Here is a picture of our little lion. She has been doing pretty well considering her size. She is in excellent hands. Landon is also doing very well too. I hope to have one of “Lan the Man” soon, but … Continue reading
@ 6:32 “Landon Aaron” entered this world weighing 700 grams (1.5 lbs). @ 6:35 “Alissa Jean” (aka Lissy the lion) followed her brother weighing a mere 389 grams (0.8 lbs). Despite their extremely precarious situation they both are defying the … Continue reading
Sarah has been having epigastric pain (pain below the rib cage like indigestion). It could be many things including indigestion, however, it is possible it is a sign of the pre-eclampsia worsening causing trouble with the liver. The doctors have … Continue reading
They are watching her very close today as things did not go well for Sarah last night. We are waiting for blood work results to let us know how they will proceed.
Sarah had a nice quiet night (spent with her mom) with great bps. Again she had good blood work results. Let’s hope for another uneventful night!