Landon Likes the Condo!

Landon continues to thrive in his new condo. He did lose 10 grams from yesterday, but we think that’s because he felt he needed to try and fill up the new diaper. The night doctor also went ahead and turned his cannula down to a pressure of 1 (a little scary after the last attempt at such low numbers). While the day doctor said he probably would have waited, since the orders were given, the pressure went down. And… good ol’ Landon seems to be holding his own. He should remain at a pressure of 1 now for a few days and then they may switch him to his very last kind of cannula. On the last cannula, they have the ability to lower pressure to levels below 1 (like .8, .6 and so forth) until he no longer needs breathing help. Once he is on that cannula, he will be more easily transported so that Jay, Landon and I can sit in more private areas away from the other babies and commotion.

By the way, because Landon’s name has no easy nick names….people have been creating all kinds of things…like Lanny, Lan, buddy, little guy, and so forth. Though you can feel ftree to call him what you like, I kind of like the one Omi just came up with….Landy. What do you think Daddy…does Landy sound good to you? It’s original.

MTV Cribs – Landon’s new digs

Landon moved into his new condo. It’s not as spacious as his last place, but it has a great view. He can look right off his balcony right into baby Jessica’s window! She’s a cutie, 1 foot 2 inches tall and a slim 4.5lbs. She has that Halle Berry short hair thing going on too.


Landons new place
“Landons new place”

Anyway, Landon moved up to the next size diaper, but they are way too big. Well I think that pants sagging trend is still in with kids these days so he fits right in.

Dad can you get the darn thing outta my face!
“Dad can you get the darn thing outta my face!”

Landon’s Moving!

Real-estate is a hot commodity in the Santa Clara NICU right now. Since it is a sellers market, Landon has decided to cell his Giraffe Mansion and trade it in for a Portable Condo…yes that’s right…Landon is moving to a new isolet (the kind for more stable babies).

We got the word a few days ago that Landon would soon be moving into a new isolet. This isolet is the next step towards his journey home. The new isolet is a place for babies who are doing well and who don’t need all the fancy equipment attached to the giraffe’s. So, not only will Landon be making a move, but he will have one less cord attached to him too! Landon could have spent a few more days in the giraffe, but apparently they need a giraffe for incoming patients, and Landon has been doing so well he was the next baby to move. We are so proud of our little guy! He is now that much closer to coming home. As long as the mortgage goes through (he remains stable throughout the next few hours), Landon will be in his new condo when we visit him tonight =).

In other news, Landon also gained 50 grams today (guess he was tired of losing weight the last few days). This could be because they increased his calories to 28 per feeding. So far, he seems to be liking the new calories. They also lowered his cannula pressure to 1 1/2 last night. Guess he didn’t stay at 2 for long. He seems to be doing very well at 1 1/2. When he makes it down to a 1, they will change out his nasal cannula for a new kind which he will keep for awhile. But, once he is on the new kind he will get to try bottle feeding. The new nasal cannula usually comes with the Condo’s, so we will see tonight if he stays with the old cannula or gets the new one. Either way, it looks like bottle feeding is in our future.

There is just so much good stuff happening right now…we like it when the roller coaster is smooth.

Some NICU definitions

Here’s a link that explains some of the NICU Terminology.

Of course desat is not in there so let me explain a few common ones.

“Desat” refers to desaturates of blood oxygen levels. Landon always has an Sp02 sensor on (the amount of oxygen in the blood aka saturation). Typically his “sat\” should be between 85%-95%. A desat is when he drops below about 80%. It’s not too concerning until he gets to the low 60% or below. This is when he’ll start to not look so pink.

Desats are closely related to “A’s and B’s”. A = apnea (not breathing) B = bradycardia (slowing of the heart rate). Sometimes he gets apnec and desats, sometimes he gets bradycardia and desats and sometimes he just desats (and then gets an A or B). Desats often are related to feeding, pooping, being uncomfortable….

For tomorrows class there will be a test on all material in the terminology link above!

Here’s a few pictures to tide you over:

Landon with g-ma Connies hand knit hat
“Landon with g-ma Connies hand knit hat”

Landon sucking his binky
“Landon sucking his binky”

Landon Close Up
“Landon Close Up”

March 1st

I cannot believe it is March 1st. Time seems to move so slow at times, but in retrospect, it is amazing to me that it is already March. We are expecting/hoping for Landon to come home in 5-6 weeks which would put us in the month of April. I really can’t wait for April. Landon continues to do very well. Today has, so far, been a repeat of yesterday. Landon is down 5 grams again and his cannula pressure remains at level 2. He is just doing so darn well, we are so proud of him. The weight loss is no biggie and we are relieved they are keeping his pressure at 2 (last time they dropped him too fast, his lungs partially collapsed). However, things change in the NICU so quick that by the time we see him tonight his pressure may be down to 1 1/2. Whatever the pressure, we know Landon will do well because his desats are so few (if he gets them at all). Landon continues to give signals that he wants a bottle. Besides still trying to dislodge his feeding tube, he is beginning to suck very well on a preemie pacifier that his Aunt Kelly gave him. It is so cute to watch him try so hard to get food out of the pacifier that is almost as large has his whole face. Just keep growing Landon; someday you won’t believe how small you really were.

Landon Holds His Own

Landon is continuing to do very well after the transfusion. He lost 5 grams (he has been hanging around 925 for a few days), but he has not been desating nearly as often. In fact, I think he only had a slight desat once last night =). Because he is doing so well, they lowered the pressure again on his cannula to a 2. He seemed to do very well at that level during the time I was there. They even fed him while I was holding him and he stayed strong. In the past week, he would almost always desat while being held and fed. The cutest moment came right before feeding time. Landen kept picking up his head (really…this little guy can already pick up his head quite well) and looking at me trying to get me to feed him. Of course the tube is still his method of feeding, but he seems to sense that it should come from people and not tubes. Hopefully in the next week or so he will begin bottle and breast feedings. More good news – the brain scan revealed good results, which we interpret to mean the Level I bleed hasn’t gotten worse. So with all the good news today, let’s all cheer Landon on to keep growing and gaining weight.

Landon Turns 1 Month Old

Today is Landon’s official 1 month birthday. I think he may go in the record books as one of the smallest 1 monthers ever. Today he weighed in at 930 grams… just under 2 pounds 1 ounce; every gram counts. The transfusion is continuing to prove its worth. They dropped Landon’s cannula pressure to 2.5 and he is holding his own very well. When the doctors said they were ready to ween him off the cannula, they were not kidding. In 2 days he has gone down two levels. Hopefully this time, with the help of the new red blood cells, his lungs will stay open and strong. For his one month birthday Landon is set to have a head ultrasound checkup. We will let you know the results when we get them…I know it will not be until much later tonight. All preemie babies get the one month follow up, so we are not anticipating any changes. Still, we can all keep our fingers crossed. He was also scheduled for his first Hep. B vaccine. Apparently the size of the baby does not matter to recieve the vaccine, but because he is so small and there really arn’t many studies, Jay and I asked the doctor to hold off on the vaccine until month 2. Luckily, the doctor agreed. Since Landon will be in the NICU for his 2 month b-day, he doesn’t need to worry about Hep B. And, if he is released sooner, they can give it to him as he is discharged. So…Happy Birthday Little Guy, we saved you from a shot.

Doing better after the new blood

Well Landon has been hearing all about the Winter Olympics and has decided to join the Austrian Team. Apparently their athletes have good access to the transfusion equipment he needs!

He really was doing great today. Very few apnea spells and the few we saw he self recovered (which mean they don’t really count). He looks a little bit like a bright red turnip though, but it seems like the transfusion really did the trick. Anyway he’s now upt to 925 grams and still eating like a champ. Keep growing buddy!

910 Grams!!!

Well Landon is 910 grams today, thats 3 grams over 2 pounds!!!! What a moose he’s turning out to be!
He has been having a few more apnea spells the past few days so we sort of pushed the doctors to check his red blood cell levels this morning (it was planned for Monday). They were low so he got his second transfusion tonight (he had his last on Feb 7th). Tonight he seemed to be doing much better and we’ll watch him for the next few days to keep an eye on the apnea. Should the transfusion not help, the doctors have a few other tricks up their sleeve. All this of course is perfectly normal (so they tell us) but it’s hard to witness.

We also wanted to remind all you well wishers out there about some of our new NICU friends. We met a couple in our NICU with a baby close in age and size to Landon who’s been having a rough couple of days and Sarah has an internet buddy across the country and their NICU twins are also having a bumpy road. So please think about them too!

4 Weeks Old

Today Landon is 4 weeks old! He now weighs 890 grams (17 shy of the two pound mark). We keep whispering in his ear that his Uncle Greg is coming to see him tomorrow and that 2 pounds would be a great size to show off. But, Landon is playing with us by having only gained 10 grams since yesterday. We’ll have to see if he makes it or not. Everything else is the same. His cannula is still at the pressure of 4 and he continues to have his apnea spells. Yesterday he had quite a few. Today he seems to be doing better, but it is so hard to tell. He still looks around a lot when we are there and he has even begun to wink at the nurses =). He is becoming quite the young man already.

880 Grams

L.J. gained some more weight today (30 grams to be exact). Today when I looked at I felt like he looked bigger. Nothing much else to report. The higher setting on the nose cannula seems to be helping him have less apnea (they still don’t want to give him the caffine again). His intestines look good and he’s holding down all his food. Tomorrow he gets another week older.

Big Boy!

Today Landon gained another 50 grams, bringing his total to 850. In no time he will reach the two pound mark (about 907 grams). Last night was more eventful as he had bumps in his intestines (they can see this through his thin skin). The doctors did a quick chest and abdominal x ray and determined that our poor boy has gas; yup, as you all are thinking, just like his daddy (or was it the beans I ate a few days ago?). This morning his intestines looked better, but just to be sure all is well, they will keep an eye on it for the next few days. As long as he keeps pooping like a big boy, all will be well. The x ray also determined that his lungs were partially deflated (basically this means over-worked). We have had a suspicion of this because of the decreased air flows the last few days and his increased apnea spells. So, they raised his oxygen for awhile and raised his air flow back as well. He is currently back on 21% oxygen (room air) and back to an air flow of 4. So far, this seems to be helping a lot. When I was visiting this morning, he had just one minor apnea spell which he corrected himself. After a few days of rest they may lower the flow back down. The doctor assured us this is all completely normal and that they are just playing with the numbers to see where he is most comfortable. As Landon grows, his chest wall and muscles will expand so that he eventually will no longer need breathing support. This can happen as soon as 32 weeks (gestation) or anywhere thereafter. Landon still has 2.5 weeks before even hitting 32 weeks…so he seems to still be ahead of the game.

Sailing Along

Landon continues to kick up his heels and sail through his time in the NICU. Today he lost 5 grams of weight so he is now 800 grams…must of had a lot in his diaper this morning. They checked him for infection and all his results came back negative. They wanted to make sure his drop in oxygen (desats) that he gets sometimes were not from bacteria or a virus. It appears he is just desating like normal preemies do.

Holding him last night was fantastic. His eyes were open for a long 10 minutes or so, during which he focused on mom’s and dad’s faces. He is also learning to track movement with his eyes which you can see by moving a finger in front of his face very slowly. More and more frequently he has been sucking on his feeding tube and has even begun lapping his tongue around like a small kitten. All of this indicates that he wants to feed, which is good news in a 29 weaker. He won’t have the chance to eat on his own until the nose cannula is turned lower, but we know he will be interested once given the chance. He also picked up his head and completely flipped it over to the other side all by himself. He is truly getting stronger each day. The nurses have even commented that he has begun to make noises and sometimes wail when things are not going his way. Sometimes he is so loud they look at the bigger babies and then realize it is Landon. All of these things are positive steps as he develops into a bigger infant and show us just how strong he is.

President’s Day

Happy President’s Day Everyone! Our future President (in 2044) decided to show us all just how big he can be. He is now a whooping 805 grams (about 1 pound 12 oz.). He gained about 25 grams from yesterday, and as he continues this weight gain we can expect to see him make bigger growth spurts each day. His tiny hands are growing, his feet are growing, and even his body is becoming more proportional to his head (though I am sure this will go back and forth). The doctor also suggested his air flow be cut back from 2 to 1.5. This makes Jay and I a little nervous because he is having more frequent desats…but I guess his numbers all look good and the desats aren’t as serious as they sometimes feel (no matter how much a preemie stopping breathing is normal, it is horrible to witness). All in all, Landon continues to thrive as we all cheer him on.

Our BIG little guy

Today Landon weighed in at 775 grams (1lb 11oz) gaining 25 grams from yesterday. The docs also upped his caloric intake by 2 calories (total of 26 calories per ounce of milk). They add a yummy fatty oil to the milk on top of the formula supplement. He is really enjoying life CPAP free, so much so that they continue to lower the amount of air flow. He’s also starting to suckle on a pacifier, although he really can only fit the tip of it in his mouth. He’ll be ready for breast/bottle feeding in no time!

So what do they do with the CPAP

Are you curious what happens to the left over equipment after babies are done with them? Well the nurses put Landon’s nose cpap to good use:


A hippo on a CPAP
“A hippo on a CPAP”

Here is what Landon’s bedroom looks like:


Landon's Rolling Bedroom
“Landon’s Rolling Bedroom”

And what kind of father would I be to post the pictures above without one of “L.J.”:


Landon in a ball
“Landon in a ball”

(Sorry Aunt Kelly, but his blue hat fell on the floor and has to be washed!)

The New Nose Cannula

Landon seems to really enjoy his new nose cannula and we enjoy it too. We can see his face, move him around without it popping out, and basically have a more enjoyable time with him. Here are some pics to show off his new digs.



Dad (and that hairy chest) and Landon
“Dad (and that hairy chest) and Landon”



Landon in Bunting
“Landon in Bunting”



Landon with Nose Cannula
“Landon with Nose Cannula”

By the way Sean Connery and I are trying to bring back “chest-appeal”.

Landon’s 3rd Week

Today is Landon’s 3 week B-day; Happy Birthday Little Guy! For his birthday he gained 35 grams (he is know 760) and I just got a call that they switched him to a new ventilator. Though it will take awhile to see how he holds up, so far he is doing well. The new ventilator is comparable to the Cpap. The main difference is that instead of the large prongs pressing on his nose, a smaller tube runs along the bottom of his nose to the back of his head. This should keep his nose from being irritated by the Cpap, which means he can focus on growing and not focus on the annoying Cpap. We will also get a better view of his face, so if he holds up, we will post new pics!

Happy B-day Landon – Mommy and Daddy (and tons of other great people too) love you!!!


Today Landon demonstrated for us his hiccups (this was the first we’d seen or heard of this). He sounded much like a mouse – breathe..squeak – breathe..squeak – breathe..squeak. His feeding tube was back in (it’s very easy to put them in/take them out) although when I held him the cap on the tube popped off and I got a shirt full of chunky-regurgetated breast milk…ewwwww. So let’s see, I’ve been pee’d on and breast milked on, I think we all know what comes next! Otherwise he’s doing very well.

Landon pulls out a tube

That little bugger decided to pull out his feeding tube today. Good news is he’s showing excellent coordination and motor skills. Bad news is needs that darn tube to eat! Oh well, we keep telling the nurses he likes to keep them on their toes. Everything else is right on target although he’s down to 720 grams (must of been another one of those big poops)!

“Let it all out” Landon

Tonight went much better for Landon. He was nice and settled when we arrived in the NICU tonight, so daddy got to hold him. We had just placed Landon on daddy’s chest and gotten his wires settles when Landon decided things were going way to easily… so he peed on daddy’s stomach and shirt. Jason has gotten the first official “blessing” by Landon. After a quick clean up and a fresh diaper (yes, daddy was still holding him) Landon was all set to settle into a peaceful slumber. At one point he did move around a bit and wailed so loud, the nurse turned around and asked, “Is that Landon?” He must be practicing his crying for when he comes home. After the wailing (yes, it breaks your heart), he settled in nicely, even pulling out a few more of Jay’s hairs. Who needs professional hair removal when you’ve got Landon.

On another note – Landon has a belly button! His cord has fallen off and his cute little belly has a nice new belly button. Right now, it looks like an upside down, stretched-out smiley. It is so darn cute. We will have to get pictures of it later. And, as his hair is growing, it is beginning to grow fuzzy so that it sticks out on the sides. Right now, the color is that Lanugo White/Blonde, but it seems to be getting darker as time progresses. You can almost see it in the “Loungin’ Landon” picture.

Hope all of the updates today have made up for yesterday.

Quick Update

Wish I new how to post the pictures, but i’ll have to leave that up to daddy.

This morning we visted Landon around 11:00. He was very squirmy and not a happy camper when I held him, so we had to cut the visit short. His vitals are good, he just could not get comfortable for some reason. We know there will be days when we can’t hold him, but it is still hard for us. Hopefully tonight he will be more settled, so he can bury his head in daddy’s chest. As far as his health goes, Landon gained another 10 grams. We could not be happier as we thought his weight would have dropped today. He is now 740 grams! They also stopped giving him caffeine because his heart rate is still high. It is better than before, but still high. The doctor’s and nurses keep telling us not to worry, that sometimes premies have no cause for high heart rates. Do they know that they are dealing with neurotics here??? They also turned the pressure down on his Cpap so he is now getting a pressure at level 5, and still on room oxygen. The nurse informed us that he had a great night too! Yeah, Little Guy.

Auntie J – We put the hippo Landon got for Xmas in his incubator. We want to remind him to become a hippo, and so far it seems to be working. Everyone keeps asking if I made it; if only I had the talent.

Still a happy boy

Besides a little hernia (which preemies often get) Landon’s doing good. He actually had the hernia the other day and we just found out today. It was so minor that they didn’t want to worry us (they just push it back in)!!! As long as it pops back in it’s nothing to worry about.

Other than that his nose cpap setting came down from 7 to 6 (less pressure) and he is still getting no added oxygen. Hopefully they’ll be able to slowly ween him off it. He’s getting extra calorie packets added to his milk and soon they might add even more with this fatty/crisco stuff (yum). He was back up to 700 grams today!

Daddy’s Little Guy

After quite a few days, Jay got to hold Landon again tonight. It wasn’t that I have been hogging Landon’s attention (tough i’d love to) but that we wanted to make sure Jay’s sniffles were allergy related and not cold symptoms. Landon enjoyed dad’s hairy chest and me even be competing by trying to grow more hair himself (mostly on his head). The good news from today is that they turned down the pressure on his CPAP. If he does well, he is on his way to losing the nose gear (this may take awhile, but since he hates it, the sooner the better). The great news is that he is maintaining his feeds well including the calorie supplements they are giving him. As the calories are increased, he will gain more and more weight! The best news, though, is that he seems to enjoy Kangaroo holding so much that the nurse has asked us to come in twice a day to hold him. We are so proud of our little guy and it feels so great to hold him.

On another note, Landon had his one week follow up brain scan for which we will get the results tomorrow. We are guessing things will look good, but as always we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Until tomorrow,


Landon’s 2 weeks old!

For his weekly birthday the nurse took out his last IV so now he only has a feeding tube, the nose cpap, and a few sensors. He also reached his original birthweight today (700 grams) which for his size usually takes about 4 weeks! Good job buddy.

Today is also Grandma’s birthday too! Happy birthdays all around.

Big “L” is on momma’s milk only

They plugged up the last IV, although they kept it in for now, so he’s getting all his nourishment from mom’s milk. The last IV is a special one so they’ll keep it in for a day or so just incase they need it again. His breathing was great tonight while mom was holding him although he seems to be getting quite annoyed with the nose cpap. Tomorrow he turns 2 weeks so we are bringing him a chocolate cake (okay not really, but I think I’ll have one for me anyway)!

Landon’s Hanging Tough

Wanted to give you all a quick update so that no one has to wait for too long. Today we visited around 11:00 and Landon was holding up. His oxygen levels were increased slightly for short periods of time because his lungs were getting tired. Landon is a shallow breather and sometimes he likes to “take breaks”. It scares us, but it seems to be very common in premies of his size. The nurses don’t seem worried at all, but I can’t wait to go back tonight to see how he is holding up. Landon has gained another 10 grams so he is now 690. Still a small guy…but he is almost back to birth weight which is great because they told us it could have taken 30 days. It looks like he will reach birth weight for his 2nd week birthday. They continue to increase his feedings so that around 5:00 tonight he should only be on oral feedings. If all goes well, he should be rid of his IV in a couple of days. He got one IV out of his hand today too, so soon he will be IV free. Landon will love it because he loves to use his hands to pull out all of his tubes. It keeps the nurses on their toes, but he is so much happier with the freedom. Our next goals are for Landon to be rid of his feeding tube (might take up to 2 weeks) and then his nose ventalator (we have no guesstimate of time for this because all babies are different and his poor lungs have a lot of growing to do). We look forward to the day when he is wire free because holding him will be even better.

Love to all!

Landon’s doing well

Landon has been doing so well with eating that the doctors said he probably won’t need the IV anymore. This is great news as I’m sure he’d love to be IV free. He’s still doing well with his breathing on the nose cpap too. Mom got to hold him today for almost 2 hours cause he was so calm in her arms. Way to go mom!

Remaining strong for Landon

As difficult as it has been to say good bye to Alissa, we are still being strong for Landon. Last night we went back to see him and deal with our emotions of seeing him without his sister. This morning we went back and I was able to hold him for about an hour. I can’t begin to describe the emotional roller coaster we are going through, but I can say I can’t imagine what it would be like if we didn’t have Landon to keep us hopeful.

Dad Holding Landon
“Dad Holding Landon”

Landon's Eyes
“Landon’s Eyes”

And yes he did pull on my chest hair!

Goodbye Sweet Lissy

It is with great sorrow we mourn the loss of Alissa Jean. She was brave and fought hard, but this morning she passed away. I wrote her this short letter to say goodbye.

A Letter to Lissy

Dear Alissa,

Although you were only with us for a short time I want to thank you for everything. I want to thank you for the courage you had to fight for your life. I know the doctors didn?t think you had much of a chance to even survive your birth, but you did prove them wrong. I want to thank you for touching the lives of your family, friends, nurses, and doctors. You have touched the hearts of many people and I am so proud to call you my daughter. Thank you for being so beautiful. I know you were the talk of the nursery. I want to thank you for at least giving me some time to get to know you and love you. You will be in my heart forever. And finally I’d like to thank you for waiting for me to be with you to say good bye. I will always love you my sweet little Lissy.


Your Father

Woo Hoo!

Today was another good day for both babies. Alissa was feeling much better after her surgery Friday (to insert the permanent IV) and she was moving around to show her progress. Her vitals all looked good and she looks like she is gaining a little weight (Though, for some reason the nurses will not tell us how much she weighs now…we figure she is still under her initial birth weight and they don’t want to scare us, or that it simply isn’t a big deal at this point). Landon gained 20 grams (He is now 660) and was moving around like crazy; flailing his arms, kicking his legs, and trying to pull out is nose ventalator. He was really keeping the nurse on her toes today. He also got his first bath! The big news, however, is that he has pooped too!!! Thank You Alissa for leading the way and showing your older brother how it is done. It is funny how these little things mean so much now. I am guessing that the babies had such a great day because over the last two days they have met both grandpa’s and Aunt Katie. They must be starting to realize how many people care about them doing well.

On a funny note, holding Landon yesterday the first words out of my mouth were, “You need to poop now.” I then immediatly thought, “Awe man, why coudln’t I have said we love you or something more sentamental?” Now I can’t wait to hear what his first word to me will be =)

Thanks for all of the support; I know the babies are thriving because of it.

Alissa the eliminator!!!

That’s right, not to be shown up by her big brothers fantastic progress, Alissa has decided to take the first dump! I can not emphasize how proud we are of our little pooper (that’s right daddy’s little girl).

On a less disgusting note, Sarah was able to hold Landon for about an hour today. I hope to have some pictures later today so check back soon!

The twins are 1 week today!

Word out on the street is that all you bloggers are anxiously awaiting your daily update. Normally I’m not one for much suspense, however, just for fun I think I will drag this blog out a bit before getting to today’s update. Okay I think that was enough!

Both babies are doing well. We had to wait until tonight to get the results of the tests mentioned in an earlier blog. The test was a head ultrasound scan to check for Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH) or brain bleeds. Grades 1 and 2 are very common for early preemies. We already knew Lissy had a grade 3 on one side, however, we were waiting for today’s test because they were also testing Landon and usually they won’t get bleeds after this. So Landon has a grade 1 on both sides which is great news because that is very minor, the doctor equated it to a “bruise” and “nothing to worry about”. Lissy’s grade 3 was very concerning because they thought it might get worse, however since it’s stable and only on one side it looks like it will be alright. There still is the potential for other complications, but not as bad as if it progressed to a grade 4.

Lissy also had to have a very minor and very common surgery to implant an IV. This was done to give them better access for nutrition. Barring any rare infections, this IV will last for her entire stay, unlike the typical IVs which are replaced weekly. The surgery went off without a hitch. Other than that she is still hanging in there.

Landon is continuing to amaze us as well. His umbilical IV was removed (although he does still have a second line in his leg). He is mostly breathing on his own with minimal help. He’s been having milk and seems to like it, although we’re still waiting for that first all important poop from him (what a scrapbook trinket that will be)! We are hoping to hold him for the first time tomorrow.

Today the rollercoaster went really fast but straight up!

Twins are doing well

Landon is still doing great on the nose cpap. The doctors are impressed that they haven’t had to reintubate him (which would be pretty typical if they had to). He’s still getting small amounts of milk, although he hasn’t pooped yet so they’re keeping an eye on it (fun job for whoever has to do that)! If things keep going as well as they are for him, we may get to start holding him (Kangaroo Care) as early as next week.

We’re pretty sure Lissy is really impressing the doctors. Today they tested a valve in her heart which is almost always problematic for babies as small as her. Hers looks normal for now. This was one of the last hurdles for her before they start to try and give her milk too. There’s still quite a bit of other things going on with her and we have another big test for both her and Landon tomorrow. So we’ll be anxiously waiting for those results.

Todays Visit

Landon continues to excel. He has been enjoying milk overnight and will continue to get a little bit every few hours for now. He’s been doing great on the nose ventilator. His weight has been going up and down (currently at 620 grams). His low was 610 grams and yesterday he was at 640 grams. They expect the trend to be mostly on the rise from here on out.

Alissa again has been stable and they are slowly trying to ween her off the ventilator. Her blood pressure has been stable overnight and she hasn’t required any more meds for that. She’s had quite a bit more of a struggle than her big brother, but she’s definitely a fighter. I can see her now punching Landon in a few years while yelling, “And that’s for taking all the food while we were inside mom!”

Update from the NICU

Lissy’s breathing and blood pressure seem to be stable today. She is having some additional complications which we won’t know the implications of until tests on Friday.

Landon is doing remarkable. They have removed his breathing tube and have him on the nose cpap ventilator. He had a drop of momma’s milk and they are going to monitor his reaction to it. This is a big leap for him!

They told us this was going to be like a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs. Unfortunately having twins means were hitting an up and down at the same time.

Thanks and a thought

First off I just wanted to thank everyone for the overwhelming support. We really appreciate it and it gives us strength and encouragement.

I also wanted to let everyone know about something I was thinking about. Sarah has been part of a message board for twin parents since we found out we were having twins. On the board there are groups of women who post together who have similar due dates. In particular their was two other women who have just given birth prematurely as well. One at 28 weeks the other at 26 (the same as us). It just hit me that there are lots of premmies everywhere fighting for their lives. So I’d just like everyone, while you’re thinking about Lissy and Landon, to also think about all the other babies out there that are struggling too.

Bittersweet homecoming

Sarah was discharged this afternoon from the hospital. She was healing so well they let her go home a day early. It is very tough for us to leave the twins, but we live so close to the hospital that it makes sense. The babies’ doctors have told us that right now we should really focus our energy on resting and preparing ourselves for the time when we will be needed by them. They have explained that the babies need to be kept quiet and calm for the next few weeks (as if they are still in the womb) and over-stimulation at this point is not good for them. Soon we will be able to do things like Kangaroo Care.

Landon is doing very well with his breathing. The doctors expect to de-intubated him (remove the breathing tube) and put him on a nose ventilator. This is a very big step and will allow them to start tube feeding him breast milk.

Alissa has been switched to an oscillator. This is a different type of ventilator that pumps very rapidly instead of normal slow breaths. This has helped her tremendously. The doctors have told us she is very ill, but stable. They have said for the near future they are confident they can provide adequate support to keep her alive, but it will be up to her to grow and strengthen her lungs.

They both have been so strong and each time I see or think about them I feel great pride.

“Alissa (and her cute little tushie) and mom holding hands”


“Mom cradling Landon”

Mom meets the twins

Due to Sarah’s condition she spent most of the past day and a half in intesive care. This morning she was allowed to go meet them for the twins for the first time.

The twins are still doing well. We sre meeting with the doctors this afternoon to find out more about what to expect over the coming weeks and months.

What about the parents

Sarah so far is doing fine. She recovering from the preeclampsia and the hellp syndrome. She will hopefully be able to eat this afternoon and they are expecting to move her from the ICU to the maternity ward today. Below I’ve provided a link that I came across while reading about premmies. It explains what parents of premmies are going through, and I can say I’ve already gone through much of it. Give it a read:

Lan the Man

Landon is doing excellent this morning. They are slowly turning down the ventalator assitance because he is partially breathing on his own. Alissa still needs the help of the ventalator, but she has been stable overnight.

Here is Landon’s picture. He’s still being a little camera shy, you know how famous kids these days are with the Paparrazi!

Lan the Man

“Lan the Man”

By the way, there is a big size difference between the two but the two pictures on the blog make it look worse. I was zoomed in on Landon so he looks quite a bit bigger. I think they are pretty close in length, but I’m waiting for the official numbers.  

Lissy and Landon update

Both Lissy and Landon are continuing to do well. Landon is quite stable at the moment. He is on a ventalator to assist his breathing, but they currently do not have to give him any added oxygen. Lissy is also on a ventalator, however they are giving her oxygen as her lungs are just too tiny to absorb all that she needs. They both have made it past some large hurdles, but we have many more in front of us. Just like before we’re going to take it one day at a time.