Diaper Pic!!!

Landon, Mom and Dad are doing great. We’re still pretty tired staying up with him all night, but we are getting good at our “rotation”. Dad gets 5-6 hours sleep, then Mom gets 7-8 (of course she’ll tell you it’s the other way around, but we all know how the men in this family take care of all the work)!!! We’ve seem to have his feeding under control, we had some problems finding the right bottle/nipple combination the first few days. On the home front, Murphy’s Law has struck with a fury. The day we went to the NICU for our sleepover the kitchen sink clogged. After nearly flooding the kitchen we seemed to get it cleared, only to find out the next day when we brought Landon home it was backed up again. This time we called in a professional who came and cleared it, but of course it clogged again the next day. The plumber came back and cleared it again. Well wouldn’t you know it, but it clogged yet again today. Back came the plumber, this time with his super dupper industial sized monster snake. Hopefully this time he got it. It’s a real pain not being able to wash the bottles let alone the dishes!!!

Here’s Lan in his diaper thinking, “Umm excuse me, could you put the camera down and get me some clothes please!”


Landon in his diaper


And here is Landon in his new swing:


Landon in his swing


Still Growing Strong

Boy has it been a long time since I have posted…and I am so tired that it is taking extra long just to remember which keys get pressed by which fingers. But it is all worth it. Landon is truly amazing and though we’ve only had him home for a week, it almost feels as though he has always been here (minus our interaction with friends and family because of germs…which are all dearly missed…the family and friends that is).

Yesterday we had our first doctors appointment after our release from the NICU and things look great. Landon now weighs 4 pounds 3 ounces! I think it is mostly his cheeks which are becoming quite chipmunk-like. He is eating well, pooping well and staying awake for longer periods of time. He now fits in preemie size clothes which is great because we have so many (thanks to grandma’s, aunts and friends). This is good because with his aim, we go through many outfits a day. In fact, Landon even welcomed the doctor by peeing on her too! The nurse thought he was adorable (she also has a 2 1/2 month old except she is 10 pounds) and asked if she could simply hold him. Landon is already wooing the ladies =).

Let’s see…what else…Landon now focuses on objects like mobiles and bright lights. He does not yet interact with faces too much, but he does respond well to voices. We are so thrilled with any interaction because right now he is still considered a month premature. Though it will take awhile to close the preemie gap, we are making a lot of progress…especially in the weight department. The doctor again stated that we have an excellent chance of Landon having no preemie set backs that will effect him for life…though again, only time is a predictor of this. 

The hard part about being away from the NICU is the bonding that occured with other parents and the staff. We miss his nurses and it is hard not to show them just how big and handsome he has become. In August there is a NICU reunion…but I want to show them now how well we are doing. Without the nurses and all their love, we would not be where we are today. We also miss seeing the progress of the other babies. All of Landon’s friends are still there (we get updates from his friend Baby Harrison) which only confirms how well Landon has done. Hopefully all of his friends will be home soon!

Alright, I think i’ve written enough and now I am too lazy for spell check so you all will just have to make due.

Sleepless in Santa Clara

Well Lan has been doing his civic duty and keeping his parents from sleeping. He really loves to sleep soundly during the day, but set that kid in his crib at night and forget about it! He wails like a Yeti, and little does he know he is actually half Yeti. Well here’s some shots we took this morning in yet another new outfit!


Landon with the big bear



Landon with the big bear and baby powder



Apparently there has been some controversy about myself holding Landon in the wheel chair for the ride out of the hospital. Well new evidence has come to light and here is the photo. Incidentally this was taken from the grassy knoll and we are reviewing the Zapruder film for evidence of this “second shooter”.

Landon and Dad in the wheelchair

In other news Landon gained an ounce and is 1701 grams (3 lbs 12 oz). His length is now 16.5″. He also had to go in for his second eye exam where we were told he has the mildest rating (stage 1) of ROP. This is expected for babies born so early and the good news is the doctor said at Landon’s gestastional age he has never seen it progress further. We still have to go back in a few weeks for a follow up just in case.

Here’s a few shots of Landon in his crib:


Landon in his crib  

Landon in his crib 

Landon - Tale of the tape

We survived Day 1

Landon made it through day one just fine. He even got a bath:

First bath at home

First bath at home

I forgot to mention this yesterday but Landon came home weighing 1675 grams (3lbs 11 oz). We’re hoping to hit 4lbs by his next visit. We also know there are many people eager to visit, but Landon is on strict house arrest for the first 4 weeks (or until his 40 week gestation due date). At that point we will slowly introduce him to all his fans.

Operation Stork – The eagle has landed!

Landon has been paroled, for good behavior! He’s home, he’s happy, and so are we. It was a long night but we all made it through! We’d like to share with you some pictures (of course) and a poem that Landon wrote for his outstanding NICU team.

Through the Eyes of Landon:  

No more Wires
No more Pokes
No more freezing Stethoscopes

No more Beeping
Or Blood Gas
No more life in Plexiglas

No more CPAP
No more Crits
No more neighbor baby …. Fits

No more Tubing
Or Pulse Ox
No more warm Isolet Box

No more Bagging
Or Desats
No more Volunteer made Hats

No more Oil
In my Feeds
No more pulling off my Leads

No more Bradies
Or Head Scans
No more changing doctor’s Plans


Mom thought it would be funny for dad to ride out with Landon:Landon and Dad wheeled out

Here’s Landon in his carseat for the lengthy 3 minute trip home: Landon in a carseat

Landon with Mom in his bedroom: Landon and Mom in bedroom

Two pictures of Lando in his crib:

Landon in his crib

Landon in his crib

A tiscket a tasket, L-Dizzle in a basket: (by the way what the hay is a tiscket and a tasket anyway)

Landon in a basket

Hope that’s enough pictures for you!!

Live from the NICU

Well, @ 6:30pm we went in for our “rooming in”. We went over some last minute details, and then the nurse wheeled Landon’s crib down the hall to our room. We’ll be seeing the nurse every three hours, but otherwise we’re on our own. No monitors, no breathing support, no diapers (okay we do have diapers). If all goes well we’ll be on our way home sometime tomorrow. Here’s a camera phone pic from our room:


Rooming In
Rooming In

Daylight Savings Time

If your reading this Sunday morning, and you haven’t already set your clock ahead an hour guess what:


Now go set your clocks ahead and call whomever you were supposed to meet an hour ago.

Landon’s up for Parole

Assuming no set backs Landon is scheduled for parole on Monday.

{Begin screeching}
Did you say Monday
{End screeching}

Yes I did say Monday. Sarah and I will be spending the night Sunday with Landon in our own private hospital room. Today he passed his car seat test (1 hour in his car seat with no apnea) and his hearing test was also an A+. He’s eating and holding his temp like a champ. So {knocking on e-wood} if all goes well we’ll have him home on Monday.

Lan Lan the Warm Man

Landon has been doing great in the open crib. Here’s a picture:

Landon in his open crib

Landon in his open crib

Landon’s NICU buddy has been doing great too. We took a picture of the two of them just “hangin’ at the crib” (okay at the isolette to be exact)!

Landon and his buddy Baby Harrison

Landon and his buddy

Welcome to the new site

Check it out and let us know what you think. A few things to take note of:

-Comments will have to approved by Sarah or myself before they are live. This is because of blog spam. If you register (link on bottom left) after you post once and its been accepted, your posts will automatically go live!

-I have to edit some of the older post as the pictures were messed up a bit. So if you see missing pictures are other things in the older posts, they will be fixed eventually.

-Yes I am very proud of that picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, and yes I took it!

-Let me know via comments here if there are any problems, I expect there to be some, there always are!

Big News

Landon made it into a open crib today! At about 2:00 last night they transferred him into the open….and so far he has been holding his temperature like a pro. It will take him a couple of days to prove he can still gain weight while keeping up his temps…but so far so good. Our big test will be tonight when they weigh him. If he is still gaining weight then we are doing well. If he doesn’t gain weight, they will simply put him back in the isolet for a few more days. He is now 1580 grams or about 3.5 pounds. Yeah Landon, we are so proud of you.

Quick Report

Not much has changed from yesterday besides Landon’s weight. He is now 1525 grams, a 25 increase from yesterday. It is now looking like an open-air crib may take awhile longer, as he needs more fat to better maintain his body temp. His major change from yesterday is that we can now put him into the smallest of preemie clothes. Although they are very baggy, it actually appears that he will fit quite nicely in them by next week.

The Landmark 1500

Landon has now reached a huge milestone…1500 grams. That means he is 3 pounds 5 ounces. He is definitely growing and gaining weight each day now. He still has not made it into an open crib, but they are in the process of trying to get him there. Unfortunately, he was too cold when they lowered the temp. in his isolet to even risk putting him out in the open, so he will stay in his isolet for awhile. How long that will be is hard to tell. It may be a few days or could be even longer. He was so cold last night dad couldn’t give him a bath…but he did get one later that night. For now we sit and wait for him to grow bigger and stronger to come out into the open. Jay and I are really thankful that of all things prolonging his stay in the NICU, it is only his temp. which we know will be solved in short time.

Landon Begins a Transition

Today Landon weighed in at 1475 grams. He seems to be gaining weight like a big boy now and it definitely shows. More importantly, he began his transition today from his condo into an open-air crib bed. He is not in the bed yet, but could be there as early as tomorrow or perhaps by Thursday. Right now they are slowly lowering the temperature on his condo to match the NICU’s room air temp. Once he shows he can stay warm in blankets, they will transfer him to the open crib. Once there it will take a couple of days to see how well he continues to hold his temp. Our hopes are high as stability in an open-air crib means a few short days until home coming. So lets all route Landon on in holding his temp over the next several days.

Landon Unplugged

Landon is free of all support. He still has his monitors when unattended, however, we had him completly unplugged!

Landon seems bored at the NICU
“Landon seems bored at the NICU”

Landon free of wires in the Nursing Room
“Landon free of wires in the Nursing Room”

Landon smiling
“Landon smiling”

A Big 2 Month B-day

Today is Landon’s 2nd month b-day…and does he have a big day ahead of him! He began the day with his normal Lab checks, all of which came back good. Next, he had his air cannula completely removed so he is now breathing entirely on his own. So far, he has done very well. It is the first time we have seen Landon with no tubes…I mean none. He has a completely wire free, tube free, gear free face. Of course there will be pictures tonight.

Landon’s day continues with Immunizations (a total of 3 shots =(…) and a head ultrasound which should be his last before he comes home. Then we have a meeting with a consultant to help with breast feeding, assuming he can stay awake after all his shots. There’s still more…

As if this is not enough, they have also turned down the temperature on his isolet condo and now wrap him in blankets instead. This is to prepare him for his transfer to an open crib which will happen sometime this week =). ALSO, he now gets to eat whatever amount he wants. This means they have stopped giving him extra boost calories and are now giving him as much breast milk as to his heart’s content. He should really begin packing on the pounds now.

Landon also had a bath scheduled for today which I kindly asked to be postponed until tomorrow. This way dad can go in and bath him and Landon will have a little extra rest after this long day. Woo, it took a lot of energy just to type all this stuff that our boy is going through today. Oh ya, Landon gained 30 grams yesterday so he is now at 1445. Way to go Landon, and happy b-day little guy.

Still Growing

The magic number today is 1420…grams that is. Landon gained 20 from yesterday, not bad after his 50 from the day before. He is now 3 pounds 2 ounces. His air flow was lowered to .1 which means he is so close to being tube free. What great pictures that will make. He has also continued to eat all his feeds from bottles with very few desats. Keep it up little guy…in no time you will be in preemie clothes and on your way home.

3lbs, 3lbs, 3lbs

Today Landon is 1395 grams = 3lbs 1 oz. He remains at .2 flow for air (mainly because the doctors are too busy with the other babies) but were not pushing him this time. As of 5pm today Lando LakesTM will have gone 24 hours taking all feeds by bottle! Landon has been doing so well in fact, that we were able for the first time to let Grandma She and Grandma Connie come hold him. I think they were both thrilled to say the least!

1st Bath – from us anyways

Well Landon was stinking up the joint so we decided to give him a bath. This was the first bath we gave him (well Sarah gave him to be exact). We’re saving the video of it for his wedding!

Landon's First Bath
“Landon’s First Bath”
  And here he is in his new Blue Suit from Becca, Tom, and Shae! Sorry about the glare…darn that plexiglass!

Landon's new outfit from cuz-B
“Landon’s new outfit from cuz-B”

Still 1345 Grams

It’s hard to believe, but Landon is still 1345 grams. He is simply stalling on becoming 3 pounds. He must be burning more calories than we can imagine with all the bottle and breast feeding. We are hoping he will be 3 pounds tomorrow, but he had a really big day today. It started with a bottle feed (hold the vitamins please) which he really enjoyed. Around noon, he had his first eye exam, which he hated. They classified his eyes as “Immature” which is completely appropriate for his age. He will be examined again in two weeks. Tonight when we go back he will get a bath and change into his new outfit from the Burke’s. For a little man, he’s had quite the day. Hopefully he has had great napping opportunities in between where he can gain those grams.

1345 Grams

Today Landon is 1345 grams…just 15 more to go before he is 3 pounds. He also continues to do well on his air flow, so they are lowering it to .2. Before we know it he will be off the cannula altogether. He continues to bottle feed and today he got the first taste of the vitamin enriched milk. He hated it and pursed his lips together in protest of eating. Eventually he drank the bottle, but not before spitting a lot of it out. It really was comical to watch. The breast feeding continues to be a challenge, but perhaps after the vitamin-bottle experience he will learn it tastes better. We will see tonight.

More Pictures

Landon continues to work miracles. He is now at .3 flow on his nasal cannula and has had no reported desats for several days. Simply marvelous. Today he has gained no weight (still at 1305 grams) which means the 3 pound goal continues to elude us. Because of his learning how to bottle and breast feed….plus his baths and outfit changes, he seems to be burning up all his calories on everything but growing. Perhaps they will raise the amount of his feeds tomorrow. The sooner we hit near the 1500 gram mark (which means he can enter an open crib), the sooner he will be coming home. He should be getting his eye exams this week too which was postponed from last week (busy doctor). Hopefully we will have the results from that later this week. In the meantime, enjoy more pictures.


Dad Feeding Landon
“Dad Feeding Landon”

A New Hat Made By Omi
“A New Hat Made By Omi”


Today Landon is 1290 grams or 2 pounds 13.5 ounces. He is getting closer to our next goal of 3 pounds, but some days he takes his sweet time. Last night, and again this morning, he got to try breast feeding. This will not be as easy as the bottle feeding; it is definitely something mom and baby have to learn. His air flow on the cannula is down to .4 and I am expecting it to be at .3 by the time we go in tonight. In other big news, Landon is now at the stage where they want us to dress him everyday. It is not easy dressing a squirming and very tiny baby, but both Jay and I are getting better at it. We will post pictures tonight of Landon in his outfits (which should only last another week at most). Everyday he gains weight and is looking more and more like a preemie (no longer a micro-preemie).

Getting close to a 3 pounder

Landon gained 35 grams today (total of 1280 or 2 lbs 13 oz). He needs another 80 grams to get to 3lbs. Landon gets fed by us twice a day and tonight he might get to try a new feeding service for him “Direct to Breast”! We’ll keep you updated, but don’t expect any pictures of that!




\Landon - Hey who turned out the lights
“Landon – Hey who turned out the lights”

Landon’s Fine

Landon is still doing very well….daddy was just too lazy to post yesterday. Although only gaining 5 grams…we both got to bottle feed Landon yesterday for the first time. We will post pictures and more information about Landon\’s progress later.

Landon the Tour De Gorge Champion

After much anticipation, Landon got his first bottle today!!! We have been waiting quite awhile for this great moment. To show his daddy what a big appetite he has, he finished the WHOLE BOTTLE. For those of you who don’t realize what a big deal this is, let me explain: Most babies only eat 1-2 CC’s their first try on the bottle. They mostly spit up the milk or become distacted by the whole “breath, suck, swallow” process. But our little guy was able to successfully eat his whole bottle on his very first try…a whooping 20 CC’s. “Look out dad…I’m gonna get a belly like yours!”




Landon Preparing to Feed
“Landon Preparing to Feed”

Landon started with the preemie nipple, but he spit up a cc or two.




Landon Feeding on Preemie Nipple
“Landon Feeding on Preemie Nipple”

The nurse switched over to the big boy nipple and he went to town!




Landon Feeding on Big Boy Nipple
“Landon Feeding on Big Boy Nipple”

Here he is all wiped out.




Landon all done
“Landon all done”

We caught us a Leprechaun

That’s right, the cool (or cruel depending on your perspective) preemie parents that we are, we dressed “The Don” for St. Patrick’s Day. He was such a hit, that some of the nurses want to take him out for a green beer after work. Just like his dad, smooooooooth operator!




Landon the Leprechaun
“Landon the Leprechaun”




Landon the Leprechaun
“Landon the Leprechaun”




Landon the Leprechaun
“Landon the Leprechaun”

We also decorated his condo:




Landon's St. Patty Party
“Landon’s St. Patty Party”

Quick Update

Today Landon is 1225 grams…just over 2 pounds 11 oz. According to the doctor, he is in the 10th percentile on premie growth charts. They are happy with his progess because he was always in the 10th percentile (even in utero). Guess we really do have a little guy on our hands. As I was leaving they lowered his flow from .8 to .6 (they would like to now try increments of 2 because he is doing so well). If all continues to be well, he will be off the nasal cannula in a few short days. He, so far, has only been desating (his oxygen level drops a few points) and fixing it on his own….which is a big improvement from the apnea spells. This has occured for the last 3 days and we are so proud of him. He really is making huge strides.


Due to dental work (which I want to have done before Landon comes home…cleanings, fillings…) I haven’t had a chance to visit him yet this morning. But, I did call in to the nurse for a quick update. Landon has gained another 30 grams so he is now at 1200 grams..or just over 2 pounds 10 oz =). Emma’s and Zach’s wishing and praying are obviously keeping our little guy on track with the weight gain. He is also still holding up with the low flow cannula and is now at a flow of .8/1.0. Landon is such a good boy, the nurse even conveyed that he did his massive “duty” for her instead of saving it for mom and dad. Yeah Landon….we need all the free yucky diaper changing we can get until you come home. By the way, I know a lot of you are curious about projected coming home dates. Babies can come home as early as 35 weeks gestation…which is about 2 1/2 weeks away for us. But, I am holding my breath because Landon still needs to grow to around 3 1/2 – 4 pounds, take all feedings by bottle and have no apnea spells by that time. I am hoping he will come home between 36-37 weeks gestation, but really it is all about his progress. Really, his homecoming should be right around the corner. And, thanks to everyone’s praying, Landon’s roommate is doing fine. He still has a long way to go, but things are going well and moving in the right direction. Someday, Landon and his roommate will be best buddies and they will never know why. There is nothing like the bonding of NICU parents. And Omi, Landon can’t wait to wear his new hat!

Take 2

On the high flow cannula, the last few days have been very successful for Landon. So, the doctor is ready to try him out on the low flow cannula this afternoon. This will be the second attempt to get Landon ready for breathing on his own. As soon as the cannula is switched over, it will be set at .9 out of 1.0. This was the amount he had trouble with last time, but after several days of growing, the doctors are anticipating that he will be okay. And, if he struggles, it is no big deal…they will just put him on the high flow once again and let him grow even more. And when I said “several days of growing” I wasn’t kidding. Landon gained another 35 grams today so he is now at 1170 grams which is slightly over 2 pounds 9oz. As for Jay and I, tonight we refresh our infant CPR skills so that we will gain confidence for when Landon comes home.


“Wandin” (cousin Zach’s version of Landon) gained 5 grams today. Not a huge gain, but a gain none the less. His cannula flow level was lowered to 1.0 last night and so far he seems to be doing okay. He did seem to have a few desats while I was holding him, but it was hard to tell if I had his neck in funky positions or if the desats were from the pressure being lowered. Either way, non of them were severe and I don’t think they were even written down in his notes. Because of his recent weight gain, they also raised his feeds to 20 cc’s…which means he eats about 5 oz of food a day. Pretty soon he will be nearing the 1200 gram mark.


1130 Grams

Not much changed today except his weight went up again (1130 Grams, +30 from yesterday: 2lbs 8oz). All breathing apparatus is still at the same settings so far. He hasn’t had much in the way of apnea/desats. So he’s had a good weekend of relaxing and growing!

More Pics

Landon is doing great today. He hit the 1100 gram mark (exactly) 2lbs 7oz. He’s hanging at a flow of 1.5 on the high flow cannula, but he hasn’t had any apnea for the past couple days. One of Landon’s ladies was moved to the PICU (Pediatric ICU) because she’s doing so well and they needed room! Soon we’ll be catching him trying to sneak out of the NICU so he can go see her!



Landon's Bootie
“Landon’s Bootie”



Landon Swaddled with Mom
“Landon Swaddled with Mom”



Landon Swaddled with Mom Again
“Landon Swaddled with Mom Again”

First comment spam!

Today we had another first, Comment Spam. Basically “robots” look for blogs and then post in the blogs comment section with links to their own sites. This basically helps to raise their site’s ranking in Google and other search engines. So if you happen to see one of these spammers (there obvious when you see them) in the comments please ingnore it and don’t click any of their links. I will delete it when I find them.

2 Pounds 6 Ounces

Landon gained 10 more grams today so that he is now at 1080 grams, which is 2 pounds 6 ounces. Last night, they turned his cannula flow down to 1.5 and he is doing great (no reported apneas since the switch back to the high flow cannula). I had a long talk with the head doctor about Landon’s last few days and the doctor was very happy with Landon’s progress. Apparently, even with the apnea he was previously experiencing, he is doing well because he is not on Caffeine like most babies (even the older ones). The current plan is to let Landon rest at the flow rate of 1.5 for the next couple of days and then turn it to a flow of 1. If he does well at 1, then they will try switching him back to the low flow cannula. I was worried about pushing Landon too soon, but the doctor said that with some babies it only takes a few days for them to become stronger in their lungs. We will just have to wait and see how Landon does. As far as physically, they are happy with his progress because he responds appropriately to poking and prodding. And, in a little over a week, they will be checking Landon’s eyes for development as well. Our little guy is really growing now and the pace of things is beginning to pick up.

30 Gram Man!

Landon (and parents) are having a much better day today. He started the day by weighing in at 1070 grams….30 higher than yesterday. He also had no reported apnea spells since they switched him back to the high flow cannula yesterday. With the better oxygen, he looks more pink and he was awake for a longer period of time with his eyes wide open. I also held him in a swaddled position instead of Kangaroo style. He and I really enjoyed it. While he was awake, I was able to really talk to him and look into his eyes. His heart rate came down and he fell into a nice, deep sleep. He was also fed through his tube while I held him and had no apneas! He tends to get apneas during feedings, but he did so well all wrapped up.

On another note, one of Landon’s NICU buddies (he is Landon’s size and about the same age) has had a really bad last few days. Please pray, wish or think of him and his parents during these difficult times. With love and support, he will pull through.

High Flow is In

Well, after a rough morning for Landon, they had to switch him back to the high flow nasal cannula (and the doctor had just told me he was doing well this morning). After I left this AM, His heart rate was (and continues to be) high and I guess he’s had more apnea spells, so they decided his lungs were working too hard. He is back on the high flow at a flow rate of 2. They say this sometimes happens, where you take the baby off one cannula only to put them back on it after a couple of days. It is the old one step forward, two steps backwards routine. This is actually the first time that they have had to switch his cannula back, so all-in-all Landon has done quite well. I think he may have gotten too excited becuase he is now right across from his girl friend and he likes to peek in on her. Hey Landon, try and impress her by showing her how big and strong you can grow, and how to breath without desats and apnea spells =).

Quick Update

Landon seems to be doing well. He has gained another 5 grams and his air cannula remains at 1. The doctor seems to think he is doing a little better with his breathing today too. He is still having a few apneas, but mostly they have decreased in depth and frequency. Again, with the weight he is gaining, he is starting to show more of his features. Today, his facial features really seemed to resemble Jay. Add my forehead to that (Jay’s is so small) and you’ve got Landon. Oh, and although Jay and I go back and forth on this, it seems like we are growing a “Little Red”. Each day, his hair seems to be a little lighter and redder. Jay thinks it is a very light brown, but I am thinking he wants to be like Uncle Brian. With the florescent lights and the green-hued pictures, it is hard to tell what color his hair really is. When we get him out into the natural-sunlit world, the answers will be shown.

L-man pics

Here’s a couple pictures by request from Emma. Landon did okay tonight. He had a couple little desats and one pretty big desat with apnea when he had dinner. As his hermatocrit (amount of red blood cells) has droppped a little the apnea and desats seem to be occuring a bit more frequently. Again, the doctors are not worried, but we don’t like seeing him apnec!


Landon close up
“Landon close up”


Landon close up again
“Landon close up again”

“The Don’s” Update

Landon is hanging tough today. He gained 30 more grams so he is now at 1035. He did have a lot more apnea spells than usual between yesterday and this morning so instead of lowering his nasal cannula flow, they upped it from .9, back to 1.0. Hopefully, he can have a few days of rest at a flow of 1 so he will not be overworked. As he grows, his lungs will become stronger and the apnea spells less likely. We were also informed that Landon is not yet ready for breast and bottle feedings. It may be a couple more weeks. He needs to show more interest in feedings by sucking on the pacifier more intently and staying fully awake for longer periods of time. Most babies begin to show interest somewhere between the ages of 32-34 weeks gestation, so Landon has a couple more weeks to grow and gain interest in this area. We were so looking forward to his feedings, but this is the game of the NICU; sometimes we make steady progress, sometimes we fall a lttle backwards, and sometimes we remain level. Just keep growing little guy, we will get to feed you bottles soon.

Lan the Man earns his Grams!

Yahoo….Landon finally made the 1000 gram mark! Today he weighed in at 1005 grams which is slightly over 2 pounds 3 ounces. He looks great. His ears are getting more cartaledge in them so they stick out more (they used to fold in half and be flat against his head). His little toes are becoming quite bulbous and fat, rather than skinny and long. His nails are growing, he is staying awake for longer periods of time and he has really leaned to suck on the pacifier. There was no bottle for him today, but we know that is coming this week or next. Times are getting exciting. Soon I will be spending a lot more time at the NICU feeding Landon and even putting clothes on him (that will be in a few weeks…but it feels soon). And, because he is still doing well with having very few apnea spells, they are turning his air flow down from 1.0 to .9 sometime this afternoon. If all goes well, they will probably turn it down even more tomorrow. Since it is Monday, he also had all off his lab/blood work done and things look great. I can’t wait to visit with Jay tonight because I know any visit now will be his first breast feed (it depends on how the nurse feels for the day and how Landon is doing).

Last Cannula

Well as I type, Landon is getting his new nasal cannula. Yep, our big boy is switching to the last step of cannula’s. The new cannula has a pressure of 1 and lower….so soon he may not need a cannula at all. And, with the new cannula, he can begin bottle feeding soon. The doctors will also be able to increase the size of his feeds…which is good because he only gained 10 grams again today (980) and the doctors want him to start gaining more weight now. In no time we will look back and won’t believe he was only around the 1000 gram mark. Let’s all hope Landon exceeds 1000 grams for tomorrow.

L-Dizzle is the shizzle for rizzle

Lan the Man is doing great. His flow is still at 1 and he is maintaining good saturation levels (blood oxygen). Landy has been having very few desats or a’s and b’s these past few days. Our Lil’ Pounder put his 10 grams back on today. He likes to tease us a bit before he puts weight on. We’re so excited that he’ll be starting to nipple soon, we can barely contain ourselves.