It’s been way too long – Happy Birthday Landon

It’s been way too long since I’ve updated the site. I noticed today that the site was completely broken. So I had to re-install the blog software and now all is at peace. I haven’t uploaded pictures to the share site since Halloween, but here’s one of Cowboy Yoda Parker and Lando-Fett. Today is also Landon’s 6th birthday, so I want to wish him a very happy day!

Just a few updates. Landon started kindergarten in the fall and is at the top of his class (well we like to say his is anyway)! He was actually one of the first kids to be able to count to 100 and get all his sight words memorized. Way to go. He finished up a successful soccer season this fall with his team taking first place in the end of season tournament! I think he scored something like 5 goals, needless to say I was very proud. He’ll be starting up spring training soon as he’s signed up for t-ball.

Parker is quickly catching up to Landon in just about everything. He’s already fitting into 3-T clothes (mostly cause he’s tall even though he is stout)! He can keeps up with all things Landon from Wii to sports. He wants to read every book Landon has and he’s even learned how to throw a wicked left hook (yes he seems to be a lefty). He’s also pick up Landon’s knack for soccer, already mastering the foot on top pull back move.

Well you’d think I’d have more after a nearly two year hiatus, but alas, that’s all I got today. I will try to get more pictures up for anyone who still checks here.

Click here to view these on the Shutterfly site

Or view all the pictures on the Shutterfly site

Finally Uploaded Some Pics!

Well finally got around to posting some pics on the old Shutterfly Page: Since the last post we’ve been to jail (Alcatraz), we’ve been Pirates (Landon’s 4th Bday Party), we’ve been to the beach (Hawaii), we’ve been to the snow (Bear Valley), we’ve been to the land of cars (Detroit), and we’ve been to the land of Mickey (Disneyland). There’s lots of pictures to see so enjoy. Parker is growing fast, he’s 27+ inches and over 20 lbs and he’s barely 6 months. He’s already too big for the carry infant car seat! In fact he’s busting out of his 12 month clothes already! I’m thinking a career as a linebacker! Landon is doing his best to stay bigger than his little bro, but I’m not sure he’ll be able to hold him off for long!

Landon, Tee Ball - Babe Ruth Style
Landon, Tee Ball – Babe Ruth Style

Parker in the Snow
Parker in the Snow

New Pictures of Parks and Lakes!

Well finally got some new (and old) pictures up on the old Shutterfly site. Check em out! Here’s Landon’s old Shutterfly site as well with updated pictures from this year.

Both Parker and Landon are doing great. Parker is growing quite fast. He was well over 9 lbs at his 3 week check-in. Landon had a brief stint of wanting to trade Parker in for a girl, but has since gotten over that! Landon is doing great at pre-school, he’s managed to catch every cold they seem to throw at him! I believe that catching colds is a prerequisite to the pre-kindergarten class. As I understand it, in pre-K, they concentrate on how to spread the viruses (e.g. proper nose picking technique, how to sneeze for maximum dispersion of snot, and how to cough in your hand and then touch everything in site). Although he can spell cat, dog, and his name so they must be doing something right!

Parker in a blanket
Parker in a blanket
Landon in a blanket
An oldie but goodie – Landon in a blanket


Parker did the typical day after weight loss routine dropping down to 7lb 3oz. He didn’t pick up feeding much the first 24hours so we had to call in the special ops team. They sent over Ivana the Terrible (names changed to protect the innocent) and by performing what I can only describe as infant water boarding, he’s now eating well.

What, a post, ’bout time don’t ya think!

Ok, 7 months since the last one, but I least I have a zillion pictures to share! Go to and you can see a whole lotta new pics. Scroll down and click on the various albums to see more pictures! I think there are new albums all the way back to Easter! Below are a few to wet your appettite!

Well Landon has been doing great, except a short stint in the hospital. He spent a night in the hospital due to severe constipation, but they cleaned him out (imagine a 24 hour iv-drip of laxitaves and a kid still in diapers - ewww). At least he’s now pooping like a champ, but still haven’t talked him out of the diapers. (Boy he’s going to love showing this site to his friend’s in middle school!!) 

New subject: Lando-pando started going to school (ok glorified day-care) a couple mornings a week. He’s been having quite the time with separation anxiety, but I think he’s really starting to enjoy it now. He just asked the other day if he can have a sandwich at school (meaning: staying there all the way through lunch)! Before you know it he’ll be asking me to drop him off around the corner so his friends don’t see me! We also just found out that one of his girlfriends from across the street is now in his class. So hopefully that will inspire him to get an education.

He’s about 3 feet tall at this point and pushing 30 pounds. Besides being a typical 2 year old ball of trouble, he loves going to My Gym (kiddie play group place), playing with dad’s tools, playing air-guitar while dancing wildly, and drinking chocolate milk. He also now knows the “EARTH” … “QUAKES” chant from going to his first professional soccer game (as well as some other non-PG rated banter)! Go Quakes!

Yummy Dirt

Yummy Dirt

High Jump

High Jump

The Bridge to Nowhere

The Bridge to Nowhere


Well seeing how its been since November since the last post, and we just got back from Hawaii, I think its about time for an update! Well Hawaii was the bees’ knees! We all had a great time. The weather was gorgeous and the beaches there just can’t be beat. Landon picked up some new phrases, like, “Big Wave” as he went tromping into them. “It’s fun to play in the ocean.” And after enjoying a post beach outdoor sand rinse, “It’s nice to take a shower”. The things kids come up with.

Hawaii 2008 - Eating Sand

Hawaii 2008 – Eating Sand: more Hawaii Pics here.

Before Hawaii Landon had his big 2nd Birthday Party. We had everyone over to the house for food, fun, and an indoor pinata!

Landons birthday cake

Mmmmm Cake: more B-day pics here.

And before his B-day, we had Christmas Eve and Christmas! Man thats a lot a pictures!


Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve: more Christmas Eve pics here


Christmas Day

Christmas Day – Landon and Ella: more Christmas Day pics here


Happy Halloween!!!

Well it was yesterday! Landon threw a little party for some of his buddies and then they took to the town for a little All Hallows Eve mayhem.

Landon on Halloween

Landon the Monkey: more pics here

Before Halloween, Landon and his cousins went to Joan’s Farm for a little Pumpkin Huntin’:

Landon at the Pumpkin Patch

Landon and cousins at the pumpkin patch: more pics here

And before that Landon was the Ring Boy in Mike and Nat’s wedding. He sure does look good in a tux:

Dancin' Landon

Dancin’ Landon: more pics here.

Other than that Landon and the rest of us are doing great. He’s talking up a storm (mostly about buses and the moon) and climbing out of his crib. There’s a reason he was a monkey for Halloween! Well until the next installment (which may be a few months at the rate I’ve been updating this site) see ya around.

Standin’ Landon

Well, Landon walks!! In the beginning of May he started to stand and take a step or two, and by the end of May he was officially walking. Now we can’t keep him still!!! That little maniac is all over the place. Check out this little video I made of him learning to walk (his walking is much better now):

  • DSL/Cable Users Only - 10.3 MB – Approx. download time 1 min
  • Dial-up Users – 2.4 MB – Approx. download time 5 min
  • MPEG for Mac Users – 9.1 MB
  • In other news, Landon raised over $1600 in April during his March of Dimes – WalkAmerica. Thanks to all who donate to team Lil’ Pounders. We made special t-shirts and if you’d like one you can order it here: (women’s or men’s). Below is a picture from the walk, see more here.

    Landon and Baby H WalkAmerica

    Landon has also taken on a new sport…swimming! Landon is taking swim lessons and has just started to get the hang of holding his breath!!! Here’s some pictures of Landon the Fish. An interesting note, we met a couple who knew us only through the blog (they are friends of a co-worker of Sarah’s). They recognized us from the blog and introduced themselves. They actually have a preemie in the NICU as I write this, so we’d like to send good thought their way.

    Landon the fish

    Well Lando got to spend the day a few weeks ago with his good buddy Baby H. More pics!

    Landon and Baby H

    Let’s see what else. Lando was supposed to go camping over the 4th of Juky, but got sick, so we only went for a day trip. He did have a blast anyhow playing with Zach, Emma, and Shae. Landon wants to be sure to tell Eli Happy Birthday today, and yesterday to Poppy, Joni, and Brian. Lando is also in My Gym class where he’s learning to somersault and other gym stuff. What else….Weight Check: 21.5 lbs – Height Check: 30″. Guess that’s all this time.

    Edit (added 7/11/07): In case I don’t get to posting in a couple weeks, there’s birthdays coming up in July for Tom and Shae-Shae!!! And of course there’s also Auntie Ka-Ka’s birthday today too!! Wasn’t it last year when a bunch of friends had babies in July….sheeshhh!

    Movin’ on up…

    Well its not quite official, but we should soon be closing on our new house in Willow Glen (San Jose). We’re moving out of Santa Clara next weekend and will be out of a house for about a month!!!

    Willow Glen House

    Landon has been doing great, although he seems to have yet another cold!!! For a kid who we keep sheltered, like gold at Fort Knoxx, he sure does seem to catch a lot of em. He was 19.5 lbs at his last weigh in at the beginning of March. He’s just getting ready to start walking, he actually took two steps before falling the other day. We also think he officially has said his first real word. He says “book”. He also says “ma-ma” and “google”, but we’re not so sure he knows what those mean.



    And now we ask for your money!!! Why would we want your money you ask? Well its time for WalkAmerica (The March of Dimes). Landon is a proud member of Team Lil’ Pounder, and he will be walking/crawling for a great cause. If you would like to join us, or donate please see our link here:

    WalkAmerica: Team Lil’ Pounder



    Goodbye once more

    Today marks the date one year ago when our little Lissy passed away. We decided at the time to have her cremated, but at that time we were unable to let her go. Today we went to a small beach just south of Carmel where Landon, Sarah, and I set her free. We love you Alissa Jean and your Lion’s roar will live on in our hearts forever.

    Below are some views of “Lissy’s Beach”, where she departed for her journey around the world:

    Lissy's Beach

    Lissy's Beach

    Lissy's Beach

    First Blog of the New Year

    Well, it has been since Thanksgiving since there has been a post, but I’ve finally found some time (an new pics see below). First off Landon would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year (even if it’s a little late). Landon has been quite busy. He spent the Winter Break and New Years up in Bend. He got to play in the snow for his very first time. He even sat on a sled!

    He also finally got his first and second colds. Mostly just runny noses, but we were nervous nellies about it none-the-less. He’s weighing in around 17lbs 12oz and is a bit over 2 feet tall. He’s been crawling like a mad man since early December and he seems to be a climber!!! He pulls himself up to stand on everything and tries to climb it as if he were on Mt. Everest. He really wasn’t talking much until about a week ago when he had a weekend full playing with Zach, Ryan, and Baby Harrison. Now we can’t keep him quiet!!! Although Uncle Greg has been quite a bad influence on him already, he seems to prefer the Ga-Gas over the Ma-Mas or Da-Das. Aunt Kati was trying for the “K” sound, but was very disappointed when she realized she was going to be Auntie Kaka!!!

    Oh yeah, Landon now has a whole bunch of teeth and is starting to eat real food. His favorites are crackers and cheerios! He’s also starting to learn how to bite!!! So you might want to keep out of his strike zone if you know whats good for you!!

    Well enough jibber-jabber here are some pics:

    Landon 2006 Holidays

    This is from before x-mas and pre-tooth!!!


    Landon 2006 Holidays

    Landon on Christmas morning at the SF Zoo Merry Go Round


    Landon 2006 Holidays

    Haha, OK now who put the bow on my head!


    Landon 2006 Holidays

    Look we all match!!


    Landon 2006 Holidays

    Yayyy Snowwwww!!!


    Landon 2006 Holidays

     Dashin through the snow, on a “One Dad” open sleigh!

    Gobble Gobble

    Happy Turkey Day Everybody,

    Dad is trying to dress me up like a turkey. For some strange reason he’s been stuffing me all week with all kinds of food!!!

    Landon the Turkey

    Well at least he took some other nice pictures of me first. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


    Landon the Turkey








    Well Landon was a Lando-Bear for his first Halloween. He went trick-or-treating with Ryan-Lion. He got a ton of candy, but being the good Dad I am, I ate it all for him to spare his one tooth from cavities!

    Landon and Ryan in Halloween Costumes

    Landon and Ryan in Halloween Costumes

    Another month another post

    Well Landon is doing great. He went to the doctor last week and weighed in at 14lbs 5oz and is 25 and 1/4 inches long. He’s had to have his blood drawn (which was terrible cause they missed the vein on the first try), but the good news is his iron is perfect. Yay no more iron supplements!!!

    Landon has finally learned to roll over from his back to his front. He took his time with this, but now he seems to love being on his stomach. It won’t be long before he’s crawling. He is also almost able to stand when holding on to something. Considering, he can’t fully sit on his own, that’s pretty darn good.  

    We’re getting ready to hunker down for RSV season. RSV is a very serious virus for preemies. To an adult or healthy infant, RSV is like a bad cold/flu. For a preemie, or former preemie who’s under the age of 2, it can mean another long stay in the hospital. Preemies lungs can take a couple years (or longer) to get to full strength after they’ve been on breathing support in the NICU. Landon will get RSV shots once a month which will help him should he get RSV. But the best thing we can do is keep him from getting it. So, we’re buying some more stock in Purell and yes we’ll be spraying everyone down who comes within a 20 foot radius of L-dizzle!!!!

    OK enough chit-chat here’s the pics:

    Landon at the zoo

    Landon at the zoo 2

    Landon on his tummy

    Standin' Landon

    Where o’ where has my Landon been

    Well seeing how it has been over a month since the last post, here’s a Lando update.

    Landon weighed in this week at 13lbs 1.5oz. At our previous doctor visit the Doc was telling us Landon is growing fine, but he wasn’t doing much in the way of catch-up. Well this time the doctor said he’s caught up a little. We’ve been adding Miracle Grow to his milk and it seems to work! 

    Landon was having some loose stool issues, so we went to see an infant GI doc (who would have figured with his family tree full of relatives with stomach problems). Anyway they ran some tests and they came back with a positive result for malabsorption. Not much to worry about, he was just not getting all the nutrients he could, probably a result of a premature digestive system. Well the doctor mentioned adding preemie formula back into his diet which we did, but as it turns out we did the test wrong anyway. So we re-tested him, and he tested normal. So for now he gets formula and breast milk….mmm mmm good. Whther it was a bad test or adding the formula we don’t know. What we do know is that Landon is doing great.

    In other news, mom went back to work part-time to bring home the bacon. She’s not teaching this year, she’s got a support staff position and has a quiet office away from the students. This should help keep her from getting sick this year! Dad had to hire himself a dad’s helper (aka a nanny). Chelsea helps out a couple days a week and her and Landon are quickly becoming old pals. Chelsea even got Landon to giggle histerically for the first time, which we now have on video (check back soon I plan to post that this weekend).

    Other than that Landon has been going to dads soccer games, going out to dinner, walks in the park, and occasional tennis matches. We’re getting him out as much as possible cause RSV season is right around the corner and that means Landon will go into semi-hibernation!!!

    Here’s a picture to hold you over until I can get the video up:


    Landon in a gap outfit


    Lanikai Landon

    While on his first trip to Hawaii, Landon has done it all! He’s been to where Sarah and I were married, he’s been to the worlds most beatufil beaches, he went swimming, saw a sea turtle and dolphins, and even ate some great prime rib and lobster. Does this kid have it made or what!!!

    Landon with a Sea Turtle

    Landon with Emma and Zach

    Landon Swimming

    Happy 6-month Birthday!!!

    As of 6:32 am, Lan the Man is 6 months old!!! Today Landon get’s to do what ever he wants! That will probably include lots of drooling, babbling, cooing/cawing, and sucking on his thumb!!

    Well Happy 1/2 Birthday Big Guy

    Happy Birthday Shae Shae

    Shae I just wanted to tell you Happy Birthday. You know in just two days I’ll be 6 months old!!! Can you believe it. I’m starting to grow lots of hair, I’m sitting in my “bumbo” seat, I’m talking and even writing blogs! I don’t really have much money so I decided to get some portraits done to give to you. Have a look.

    Love, Landon

    Landon in a bumbo

    Landon in a sit

    Landon on his playmat

    No Pics, but at Least an Update

    Well, once again we are pushing the limits on longest no-posting ever. As Landon grows and gets stronger every day, our time runs shorter. Notice how I am writing this post at 3:30 AM! Even though Landon is getting better at sleeping through the night, mom and dad are trying to adjust back to full nights of sleep. We often find ourselves unable to sleep for long periods at night because we haven’t done this for 6 months now (Yes, even when Landon was in the NICU we stayed up nights with worry). We are slowly learning to sleep for longer periods and it is so welcome.

    Landon – After I suffered from an ear infection last week (right after Katie) that had me in bed for 2 days, we decided to get Landon checked out as well because he was fussy and crying 2 days straight. Turns out Landon had may have had a small virus, but no ear infection. Either way, he weighed in last week at 9 pounds 13 ounces. We thought he was past 10, but we were short a few ounces. I am sure he is 10 pounds something this week. We think because he may have a virus, he has had diarreah (AGAIN!!!) for quite awhile, but his doctor is not concerned because he is very happy and hydrated. Can’t wait for this to go away. For now, we change him all the time and read the messages the girls left on the diapers from the shower.

    Over the last 3 weeks Landons skills have really improved. He is talking up a storm which is the cutest thing ever. As soon as he wakes up in the morning he cracks a smile and begins to chatter. Just the other day he talked to himself in the mirror for 1/2 an hour. No kidding! He coo’s and babbles and immitates sounds. He talks to people, his toys, himself. He talks all the time (especially in the morning). I think he asked me for a cell phone aready ;).

    Landon is also rolling over pretty consistently now which makes keeping him on his tummy hard. As soon as we lay him on his belly he flips himself over…and boy does he get mad if we flip him right back. Some days he gets lazy and would rather chew on his hand, but mostly he works on getting to his back. He has also discovered his thumb on his right hand (the left is still missing as far as he’s concerned) which makes his talking interesting as he is always trying to cram his thumb in his mouth. He is so proud when he gets it and is pretty much rejecting pacifiers now. It is great for when he is upset because he calms himself down.

    Lets see…what else. Landon is also grabbing (or flailing) for toys now and will sometimes grasp a rattle or toy. We are working on his fine motor skills as his oral and gross motor skills are way more advanced. It is amazing how much more he is doing is just one week. He is not behind in his fine motor skills, but he really uses his right hand more than his left so we are encouraging him to use his left more.

    Besides all of this we are beginning to work on Landon sitting. He has a ways to go, but his trunk muscles seem very strong and with a little support (mostly to keep him from tipping) he is holding himself up nicely. he has also begun to scoot on his belly just a little during those times when we are successful at keeping him on his belly. 

    (Yawn). Ooh i’m getting sleepy…good. Can’t think of much more at the moment though I know there is more.

    Congrats to all the new babies: Carson, Cal and, expecting another tomorrow afternoon, _____ Smith. July was a busy birth month for our friends. 


    Love to All

    Landon’s First 4th (of July that is)

    Sorry folks, we didn’t have a chance to dress Landon up as the Flag (and we didn’t want him to get arrested for accidentally peeing on it). We promise big things for Labor day though!!!

    Well, 4th of July is the Family camping trip, and although we didn’t pack the tent and bring Lando Commando for a full blown camp-out, we brought him on a couple day trips. Our family camps just over the hill near Santa Cruz and as it’s really only about 30 minutes from our house (just a hop, skip, and a jump away). Landon made his first trip (of many to come) to the “Garden of Eden” (not sure if this is the real one or not, but there weren’t any apple trees), was at his first annual family volleyball game, and even had his first experience in the “bee tent”. Here’s a picture from the “Garden of Eden”:

    Landon on a Hike

    We spent the 4th watching our Santa Clara’s City Fireworks Spectacular from Mike and Nat’s house!!! Wouldn’t you know it but their driveway was a prime location for viewing as they are just a couple blocks away from where they shoot them off. We were getting ready to charge admission to all the cars pulling up in from of their house, but the show ended and everyone left! Landon slept right through all the booms and bangs. Here he is with mom in his “First 4th” shirt and hat:

    Landon on a Hike

    Landon Eats

    Ok, here’s are a couple pictures from a few weeks ago of Landon’s first real food (well if you call rice cereal real food – yuck)!!! He mostly spit it out and now we are just giving it to him in his bottle mixed with milk, but before you know it he’ll be eating hot dogs and hamburgers!!

    Landon Eats

    Landon Eats


    Okay dad, I know you have taken pictures of me eating rice cereal and visitng with friends, so where are all the pictures??? I mean, the camera is in my face 24 – 7…don’t you think my family and friends want to see how big I have gotten?

    It was fun to talk with you today daddy! I love listening to your voice and cooing back. Do you know what it is that I am saying? I keep trying to tell you that I am glad you’re a good looking guy because I am gonna look just like you!!! Well, I may have red hair and have mommy’s eyes, but mostly it will be you! I am not looking forward to the shaving, but that furry chest is oh so soft. Hopefully the ladies will like mine too!

    I am so proud of myself for rolling over again. It had been awhile, but with the growth spurts it is hard to roll my rolly-polly body over. I think I am getting the hang of it though. It won’t be long before I get off my belly every time. Being 9 pounds is tough, but I am proud that I can do big boy things now.

    Alright, i’ve worn myself out and I need a nap.


    Love ya Dad!!! 


    Happy Birthday Sarah!!!

    Yes I am trying to flood Sarah’s email box so go ahead and wish her a happy birthday. If you read her post from today (see below) you’ll notice it’s also the first day of Summer (she constantly likes to brag about that). Since it was like 95 degrees today she decided to buy Landon a baby pool. Go figure:

    Landon in a baby pool

    Landon in a baby pool

    1st Day of Summer

    Landon had a big day today! It began with a visit from the home-care “Infant Advisor” who proclaimed that Landon is doing all he should be doing for his adjusted age. He tracks with his eyes, coo’s, smiles and holds his head up very well. She advised us to continue with our daily routines because Landon seems to be doing so well. She visits once a week and works with Landon to become big and strong. As of now, we don’t really need the extra care, but since the state provides it, we take advantage of all we can get for our little guy.

    Next, we went to the doctor where Landon weighed in at 8 pounds 11 ounces. He is now in the 10th percentile for weight. As far as height, he was 19 7/8 inches and is still not on the charts yet because he is short. We like him nice and plump though, because he fits in our arms so nicely. The best part is we got the go-ahead to give him Rice-Cereal. The doctor said that Landon is acting much older than his adjusted 6 weeks and though he is not acting like his real age (4 1/2 months) he is somewhere enough in between to start feeding him cereal. Poor guy doesn’t even fit in his high chair yet. This outta be fun!!! Jay and I were shocked when the doctor recommended we try this, but perhaps it will help him sleep for longer periods at night.

    The day ended with Grandma Connie, Daddio Paul and Aunt Katie coming for a visit. Landon mostly slept as the weather outside was HOT. He loved Katie’s ever-changing hair colors and did smile at grandma when awake, but mostly slept in Daddio’s arms.

    All-in-all, it was a great first day of summer.

    8 day between blogs – A new record!

    Ok ok, I got some pictures for you. But first a little update. Last weekend Landon went to his cousin Zach’s birthday party, where he got to meet quite a bit of his family. He got to hang with his cuz-es Shae, Emma, and Zach.  He also got to meet his noun-adelfos, Ryan (Gus translate that for Tiffany if I’m even close). This weekend he’s planning on meeting some more family!!! And of course dad plans to have a relaxing sunday afternoon-First Father’s Day, drinking a beer, watching the World Cup, and getting a back massage (achem, Sarah are you listening – I don’t want no stinking flowers). Landon’s good buddy baby Harrison also came to visit us this week as did Omi GG. Wow what an action packed week. Did I mention to thank Emma for letting Landon user her automated bassinet. Landon simply loves it (and so do I cause I’m finally getting some sleep)!!

    landon and harrison

    landon on boppy

    landon with mom

    Weigh In

    Landon got weighed today in the newborn clinic. He is now a whooping 7 pounds 14 ounces…so close to an 8 pounder. Funny how he is still not real heavy, but from his build he feels stocky and quite heavy…like a rock. The nurses always flock around him and the other newborn parents stare in awe because he is so alert, coo’s and smiles. He doesn’t have the wrinkly appearance of a newborn either so other parents always look twice. Once I remind the nurses he is 4 1/2 months old and started at 1 pound 9 ounces, they all smile and gasp at how well he has done. Because he is so healthy and gaining almost an ounce a day, we no longer have to go to the clinic…it is obvious he eats enough from both bottle and breast. Other than that, he has been sleeping (during the day) a lot and we think this is because he is growing so much. He does have his alert moments (like 2 hours in a row) but I have to admit the restful sleep is nice so I can clean house. Now if we can only get him to sleep in his crib at night things would be great. Oh well, we take what we can get and so far we have one outstanding little guy.

    Landon Sleeps at Night!

    Well it was only a couple hours, but he finally slept in his crib for a couple hours without having to be held the other night. And we got a repeat performance last night. Well at least he did on daddy’s shift, not sure how he slept for mom! He hasn’t been weighed in quite a while, but we think he’s on the upper end of 7lbs pushing towards 8. He’s getting to be quite the handful armful.

    Bath Time

    After Bath

    Waaaaandon Yellin

    Landon has yet another nickname (a pun off his first and last names for those of you who may not know), describing his obviously healthy set of lungs! He definitely has no problem speaking up and letting us know when he’s not happy. After a long hibernation, I have awoken from my photo slumber:

    Landon in the Family Bassinet

    Landon in the Family Bassinet

    Landon in the Family Bassinet

    Landon in the Family Bassinet

    Sarah’s Day Off

    Today I got to return to work for one day to see how this year’s 8th graders projects turned out. It was great to see old students…how mature they have suddenly become with graduation and high school lurking. I also got to see the great staff which I have missed dearly the last few months (goo goo ga ga conversations with Landon are just not cutting it). As one great teacher so eloquently put it, “I was not just Landon’s mom today.” I, of course, also got to show off his darling pictures to both staff and students…my best way of showing off our dear boy since we can not bring him to germy locations.

    So wouldn’t you know it, the one day I leave for several hours, Landon is showing off for Daddy, Grandma She and Poppi. Apparently Landon rolled over several times today…everyone saw it. Now, I have seen him roll over before, but it was very spontaneous and was one at a time over several days, whereas today seemed more purposeful. I am so happy he liked to show off for everyone…but I better be there for first words and steps! Tonight he is a little fussy, but who wouldn’t be with a new trick under his belt? Cheers to you Landon, I guess you’re a roller now (though I need to see this for myself). 


    I think I forgot to mention that we had Landon measured and he is now 19 3/4 inches…very much on track for his weight and age. Yeah little guy…so soon you will not be so small.

    Where are the pics dad? 


    Tuesday, May 23rd

    Not much to report. Landon has been keeping us very busy so it is getting harder and harder to come here and post. We had a dr appointment today. Landon weighs 6 pounds 13 ounces and is doing very well. He also got another round of vaccines today and tonight he is not a happy camper (though last Monday and Tuesday he screamed too…so maybe it is just a early-week thing). He did great getting the shots though. Cried a little for the first two and a lot after the third. Enough had been enough! I can’t believe they use the same size needle on babies as they do adults for vaccines…how cruel. Only thing we really need to do different with Landon (per doctors orders) is lay him on one side more (he’s getting flat on one side of his head more than the other…though it is barely noticible…even the dr said she was being really picky) and take him out in the sun for 15 minutes each day. His stomach dosesn’t seem to like vitamins so we have to give him his Vitamin D via sunlight each day. Now we have an excuse to get out of the house on walks more often. Landon’s waking up…gotta run (thanks for barking Cody).


    Out and About

    With the weather being pleasant (around 80 degress) and with a new stroller, we have gotten to take Landon out on a couple of walks. He sleeps the entire ride which we take as happiness, or at least contentment. Our first stroll was a few short blocks with Grandma Connie and the next was a tour around a walking trail with our negihbors Mike and Natalie. Cody got to come too which was great; he was not afraid of the stroller at all.

    On Tuesday we had a dr appointment. Landon weighed in at 6 pounds even. Every pound is so hard to believe…and they are coming so quickly now. Needless to say, Landon is almost completely out of preemie clothes and is now into the smaller newborn sizes. It is so much fun to dress him up in his new outfits. Daddy even got great shots of Landon in his new golf attire!

    Unfortuntatly we are also dealing with a bout of diarrhea. YUCK! The dr thinks it is from his caloric intake. She said that although he is growing so well (a good sign) his stomach probably isn’t absorbing all the nutrients from the calories he gets. So, we are no longer supplementing Landons milk with formula. So far, he still seems to have the runs, but it is getting better. The dr said it would take up to a week for results. If he still isn’t absorbing the nutrients well after that then we will drop the Iron and Vitamin supplements for awhile to see if that makes a difference. Poor Landon seems to have his dad’s stomach. And, boy, does he let us know it. We have had several hour long wailing episodes this week which really fray our nerves. We want to help him, but there is not much we can do. Luckily the last day has been much better (knock on wood). Grandma She, Grandma Connie…when are you coming back?

    The good news is that after the crying Landon is really a happy guy. He is on the brink of smiling in reaction to people smiles and loves to stare at your face. He has now rolled over twice…both times I could not believe it! He wiggles in just the right way and suddenly rolls from stomach to back. He is getting quite good at it. Any week now and he will be rolling over regularly. We are even making great strides in breastfeeding. We met with a special nurse for this and have another appointment tomorrow. He is getting very good at it, it is just he is still so small so we have to supplement with bottles (which take less energy). It is not that he can’t do it, but at this point he has learned that bottles are easier for him and so he gets mad when he can’t have food right away. The nurse said it will take another month, at least, before he is a pro.

    Jay and I both got a good sleep last night (alternating shifts) so we are in better spirits. Landon even let me sleep a whole hour. As he nears 42 weeks corrected age we will get to push the sleeping issues more. For now, we sleep when we can and a whole hour at night is fantastic. Thank you Moses basket…that has really saved us. Though pretty soon we’ll have to give it up when he becomes proficient at rolling.

    Off to pick up a “talking Landon”.


    Landon's Golf Outfit 

     Landon's Golf Outfit

     Landon's Golf Outfit



    Official Due Date

    Well it is hard to believe, but today is the official due date for the twins. Never would have thought they’d have come so soon, but things happen in mysterious ways. So instead of a couple of babies crying their heads off today, we have one precious and happy 3 1/2 month old.

    On this special day, Jay and I would like to take the time and thank all the people who donated to the March of Dimes on behalf of Alissa! The money will be used to research why prematutre births happen and to create technonogy that keeps our precious preemies alive. I am sure that it is this organization which has helped with Landon’s remarkable survival and accomplishments.

    We would also like to thank all of the people who have helped us through these most difficult and challenging times. But don’t think you are all off the hook yet, we still need the strength and support, and we love reading all of the comments posted about Landon’s progress.

    On a wonderful note, Landon’s friend Baby Harrison (whom we mentioned a few times along the way) is being released from the hospital this Tuesday!!! We are so excited for his progress and so happy for his parents to finally get him home. Let us all think of them one more time as they too begin a new stage in their lives and wish them great sleep for the next couple of nights. Hopefully, when the boys are older, you will get to meet this remarkable baby at one of Landon’s B-day parties. It is truly amazing what great friendships arise over tragic hardships!



    Blog Neglect

    Ok ok ok…I neglected the blog this week. Not a lot to report other than he is starting to let us sleep a little bit at night (maybe an hour or two). He’s getting real strong, throwing this head around, pushing his body away when being held, grabbing things. He also has developed a set of lungs that would scare a banshee! Luckily we only get that occasionally.

    Enough jibber-jabber here’s the pictures:

    Family Portrait

    Landon and a binky

    and no I wasn’t really sleeping, it was a set-up so hang up the phone to CPS!

    Landon Sleeping with Dad

    Landon is 3 months as of yesterday

    Yesterday Landon turned 3 months. We celebrated by taking him on his very first (short)walk with Cody (our dog). It was very warm out (in the 80s) and he seemed to enjoy it (and by that I mean he didn’t cry)! Here’s a couple pictures I took during the day:

    Landon with Pacifier

    Landon yawn

    ROP is all gone

    Landon was cleared of ROP. He will not have to see the opthalmologist (sp?) until he’s 6 months. Then they will be checking for other less serious problems (cross eyed, nearsightness, ect…) which are again more common in preemies.

    In other exciting events, chubbo-cheeks has just topped 5lbs 1oz. He is officially a tubbo! Now we’re setting our sights on 6lbs!!!

    Gaining Ground

    Today we had another doctor appointment which confirmed how well Landon is doing. He is now 4 pounds 13.5 ounces and in the 17th percentile in the size charts. Yeah Landon! They are really impressed with how well he is growing since he has been home. With being held 22 hours a day and all the feedings, he has no choice but to gain weight like a champ! The doctor also commented on how alert he is and was impressed with his ability to focus at faces and objects. She really seemed pleased with all he has accomplished so far. At this point Landon is acting like any other “new baby”, crying and all (can the boy fuss!).  We are just so proud of how well Landon is doing. Wednesday we go back for the ROP eye recheck. I am not looking forward to it at all… I hate seeing him cry so hard, but we need to know how the ROP is progressing. Hopefully it has not progressed and Wednesday will be our last check for awhile. We are all keeping our fingers crossed. Love to all; sorry I don’t know how to post pictures on here ( plain lazziness on my part ).



    So Busy

    We are becoming really lazy with this Blog! With our weird sleeping hours and taking care of the baby, it is obvious what has slipped through the crack. The nurse came yesterday and reported what we already knew, that Landon is a champ and is doing great. He now weighs a whooping 4 pounds 10 ounces! He is so huge compared to just a month ago. He gains about 1 ounce per day which is on the higher end of weight gain. He eats like a pro so we knew he is doing well. I may be biased, but the weight looks great on him…he is just too darn cute. The last few days we have broken out the toys and Landon now focuses on the things that blink and have lights. He is also showing more recognition of voices. All this is great progress for a guy who isn’t even considered term yet. When on his belly he has begun to move his head from side to side…meaning he can flip it over one way. He is also beginning to test his arm strength…but it will take a lot to eventually lift his heavy head. And…Landon’s pride and joy is that he now sucks on his thumb. He does not do it often, but he has developed the cordination to bring his hands together and get his thumb into his mouth. Again, this is a big accomplishment for our little man. Soon he’ll be rolling over and lifting his head for longer periods of time.

    Easter Egg Hunt

    We had an Easter Egg Hunt for Landon today, and he thought it would be funny if he hid in one of them. He popped the egg open and yelled “SURPRISE!!!!” Okay he didn’t yell, he just cried!


    Landon in an Easter Egg  

    Landon in an Easter Egg