
Due to dental work (which I want to have done before Landon comes home…cleanings, fillings…) I haven’t had a chance to visit him yet this morning. But, I did call in to the nurse for a quick update. Landon has gained another 30 grams so he is now at 1200 grams..or just over 2 pounds 10 oz =). Emma’s and Zach’s wishing and praying are obviously keeping our little guy on track with the weight gain. He is also still holding up with the low flow cannula and is now at a flow of .8/1.0. Landon is such a good boy, the nurse even conveyed that he did his massive “duty” for her instead of saving it for mom and dad. Yeah Landon….we need all the free yucky diaper changing we can get until you come home. By the way, I know a lot of you are curious about projected coming home dates. Babies can come home as early as 35 weeks gestation…which is about 2 1/2 weeks away for us. But, I am holding my breath because Landon still needs to grow to around 3 1/2 – 4 pounds, take all feedings by bottle and have no apnea spells by that time. I am hoping he will come home between 36-37 weeks gestation, but really it is all about his progress. Really, his homecoming should be right around the corner. And, thanks to everyone’s praying, Landon’s roommate is doing fine. He still has a long way to go, but things are going well and moving in the right direction. Someday, Landon and his roommate will be best buddies and they will never know why. There is nothing like the bonding of NICU parents. And Omi, Landon can’t wait to wear his new hat!


Phone-In — 1 Comment

  1. – Landy, that is such good news today. ( I actually have tears of relief, and joy, running down my cheeks). Keep it up, little trooper. and concentrate on going HOME. LOVE U…
    your omiGG