Quick Update

Landon seems to be doing well. He has gained another 5 grams and his air cannula remains at 1. The doctor seems to think he is doing a little better with his breathing today too. He is still having a few apneas, but mostly they have decreased in depth and frequency. Again, with the weight he is gaining, he is starting to show more of his features. Today, his facial features really seemed to resemble Jay. Add my forehead to that (Jay’s is so small) and you’ve got Landon. Oh, and although Jay and I go back and forth on this, it seems like we are growing a “Little Red”. Each day, his hair seems to be a little lighter and redder. Jay thinks it is a very light brown, but I am thinking he wants to be like Uncle Brian. With the florescent lights and the green-hued pictures, it is hard to tell what color his hair really is. When we get him out into the natural-sunlit world, the answers will be shown.


Quick Update — No Comments

  1. Hi Landon, Sarah & Jay. Here I am passing a little time at the airport in Charlotte, N. Carolina. It\’s wonderful to hear you\’re gaining more weight, Landon. As for the \”reddish\” hair…Sarah\’s great grandfathther Robert Conover (my mother\’s father) was a red head. I had natural red highlights when I was growing up. So, although Mom (Sarah) never showed any signs of having red hair, she could be carrying those genes and when combined with Jay\’s be contributing to that red haired hue. And, red hair is extremely \”in\” these days. Keep on growing little guy.
    Grandma Connie