“The Don’s” Update

Landon is hanging tough today. He gained 30 more grams so he is now at 1035. He did have a lot more apnea spells than usual between yesterday and this morning so instead of lowering his nasal cannula flow, they upped it from .9, back to 1.0. Hopefully, he can have a few days of rest at a flow of 1 so he will not be overworked. As he grows, his lungs will become stronger and the apnea spells less likely. We were also informed that Landon is not yet ready for breast and bottle feedings. It may be a couple more weeks. He needs to show more interest in feedings by sucking on the pacifier more intently and staying fully awake for longer periods of time. Most babies begin to show interest somewhere between the ages of 32-34 weeks gestation, so Landon has a couple more weeks to grow and gain interest in this area. We were so looking forward to his feedings, but this is the game of the NICU; sometimes we make steady progress, sometimes we fall a lttle backwards, and sometimes we remain level. Just keep growing little guy, we will get to feed you bottles soon.


“The Don’s” Update — No Comments

  1. No comment for you today, little Landon? where you work so hard at growing. I\’ll have to fix that and write you a special one that I have been thinking about all night. I thought about HOW – little as you are, you have already done so much good in this world. All those bloggers, who write to you, who pray for you, who wish for you… they don\’t know each other whatsoever, many of them, but all have the same idea \”let\’s do this! it\’s for Landy\” and in a world that is torn apart by strife, here is one group with one common purpose in mind, one goal – and you are the one that instigates all.
    It\’s Love and Unity and Trust.
    So I had this wonderful idea to perpetuate this.
    What would you think of a Blog Party for you later this year? No, I did not mispell this. I did not mean a Block Party. I mean, really – a Blog Party. I would like the bloggers to get together, to meet each other, to celebrate YOU and your accomplishments! I\’ld be very happy to host it, late in summer by the pool, where it\’s warm and sheltered for you, and lots of space for people to come and go? and experience this togetherness in person – not only in cyberspace What do you think of it – you\’ll meet your friends and family, and especially your cousins. Zacky will show you how to dive, and dive, and dive, and come out and hustle to dive again. If you like the idea let\’s work on it….in the meantime just eat and sleep and grow, and believe me, we are all sitting here on pins and needles waiting for the time when you can have mamma\’s milk and some other baby-goodies, so your little hands, and toes, and ears will grow plumper yet to your mommy and daddy\’s delight. You picked yourself some good parents there.. so go, make them happy.
    Love You, little Landy

  2. Landon, you\’re the Mandon. You are growing so quickly. You will get to the bottle soon enough buddy. If you think growing is hard work, wait til the bottle. Connor and Logan will tell you how it has pooped them out on more than one occasion. In time though. All three of you will be sassy little lads giving us mommies and daddys \”the lip\”! We love you, Lan the Man! Kim, Connor and Logan!