Lan the Man earns his Grams!

Yahoo….Landon finally made the 1000 gram mark! Today he weighed in at 1005 grams which is slightly over 2 pounds 3 ounces. He looks great. His ears are getting more cartaledge in them so they stick out more (they used to fold in half and be flat against his head). His little toes are becoming quite bulbous and fat, rather than skinny and long. His nails are growing, he is staying awake for longer periods of time and he has really leaned to suck on the pacifier. There was no bottle for him today, but we know that is coming this week or next. Times are getting exciting. Soon I will be spending a lot more time at the NICU feeding Landon and even putting clothes on him (that will be in a few weeks…but it feels soon). And, because he is still doing well with having very few apnea spells, they are turning his air flow down from 1.0 to .9 sometime this afternoon. If all goes well, they will probably turn it down even more tomorrow. Since it is Monday, he also had all off his lab/blood work done and things look great. I can’t wait to visit with Jay tonight because I know any visit now will be his first breast feed (it depends on how the nurse feels for the day and how Landon is doing).


Lan the Man earns his Grams! — No Comments

  1. Guess where I am? In my 8th grade humanities room, so what better a place to check on my favorite humanities teacher and her family. She is also my favorite sister by the way… todays blog was great news! Sounds like Landon is doing exceptional!! Hopefully Dad and I can visit soon. Sending lots of love, Katie


  2. Emma wants to know why there is never new pictures of Landon? I told her that we saw saw pictures a few days ago, but she is ready for new ones. I think she wants to see the 1000 gram guy.
    We are glad that he is making such great progess.
    B,K, E, & Z

  3. Hey Big Guy, Landon, LJ, little dizzle aka Landy
    I bet you wonder what\’s all this fuss??? The funniest thing is gonna happen one of these days everybody is gonna write gee he\’s growing so fast!
    Grnma She and Poppy think you are fantastic!
    Love and huggles too

  4. Your little head is so well formed, Landy. You are really cute, and I think you\’ll be a redhead, like your uncle Bri… and Papa\’s dad, and cousin Mindy.
    And none of this apnea bit anymore, please… you might want to become a mountain man like your gr-grandpa and deep breathing is very essential for that. Love U – little fellow – omiGG