Landon Turns 1 Month Old

Today is Landon’s official 1 month birthday. I think he may go in the record books as one of the smallest 1 monthers ever. Today he weighed in at 930 grams… just under 2 pounds 1 ounce; every gram counts. The transfusion is continuing to prove its worth. They dropped Landon’s cannula pressure to 2.5 and he is holding his own very well. When the doctors said they were ready to ween him off the cannula, they were not kidding. In 2 days he has gone down two levels. Hopefully this time, with the help of the new red blood cells, his lungs will stay open and strong. For his one month birthday Landon is set to have a head ultrasound checkup. We will let you know the results when we get them…I know it will not be until much later tonight. All preemie babies get the one month follow up, so we are not anticipating any changes. Still, we can all keep our fingers crossed. He was also scheduled for his first Hep. B vaccine. Apparently the size of the baby does not matter to recieve the vaccine, but because he is so small and there really arn’t many studies, Jay and I asked the doctor to hold off on the vaccine until month 2. Luckily, the doctor agreed. Since Landon will be in the NICU for his 2 month b-day, he doesn’t need to worry about Hep B. And, if he is released sooner, they can give it to him as he is discharged. So…Happy Birthday Little Guy, we saved you from a shot.


Landon Turns 1 Month Old — No Comments

  1. Hey little guy. And big guy. And Sarah. Today was my first day back at school, and my teacher asked what we\’d all done. I proudly said my nephew is one moth old today. Nobody could believe it had already been a month, and neither can I! We are all rooting for you, and I love you very much. See how jealous I\’m making Sarah and Jason. The best part of me writing to you Landon, is that you aren\’t reading this, and I think that\’s funny. I\’ll write again soon.

    Sarah and Jay, I feel like I haven\’t seen you forever! It\’s unatural and I miss you both!

    Lots of Love, Katie

  2. You are one cute little guy, Landon!!! is there a tinge of red in your hair, like uncle Bri? and you are looking around wih those cute little eyes of yours. Are you looking for your cousins? or your auntie Katie? Love U – keep growing. Keep looking around…. your omiGG