Sailing Along

Landon continues to kick up his heels and sail through his time in the NICU. Today he lost 5 grams of weight so he is now 800 grams…must of had a lot in his diaper this morning. They checked him for infection and all his results came back negative. They wanted to make sure his drop in oxygen (desats) that he gets sometimes were not from bacteria or a virus. It appears he is just desating like normal preemies do.

Holding him last night was fantastic. His eyes were open for a long 10 minutes or so, during which he focused on mom’s and dad’s faces. He is also learning to track movement with his eyes which you can see by moving a finger in front of his face very slowly. More and more frequently he has been sucking on his feeding tube and has even begun lapping his tongue around like a small kitten. All of this indicates that he wants to feed, which is good news in a 29 weaker. He won’t have the chance to eat on his own until the nose cannula is turned lower, but we know he will be interested once given the chance. He also picked up his head and completely flipped it over to the other side all by himself. He is truly getting stronger each day. The nurses have even commented that he has begun to make noises and sometimes wail when things are not going his way. Sometimes he is so loud they look at the bigger babies and then realize it is Landon. All of these things are positive steps as he develops into a bigger infant and show us just how strong he is.


Sailing Along — No Comments

  1. Good job L-Dogg! (FYI Sarah and Jason–Landon\’s Wednesday night/Sunday Morning soccer \”uncles and aunties\” have lovingly given him the nicknames of L-Dogg and L-Dizzle!) Sounds like he\’ll be ready to start watching the World Cup qualifiers with Dad and eating La Taqueria with Mom in no time! You\’ve got us all in your corner, cheering you on!

  2. That\’s great!!! Your nurses seem really cool too. You can tell how much bigger he\’s getting. Are you still not accepting visitors??

    And just a sidenote – Sarah, you sure weren\’t kidding about him having a lot of hair. Hasn\’t been a blonde president in a long time. Oh ya 🙂

  3. Lindy,
    Hospital policy says that only a few close relatives can visit. We interpreted that to mean grandparents and uncles. Because there are many babies exposed to the open air, they cannot allow too many people to visit from the fear of germs. We will definitly have everyone to visit when he gets home and becomes stronger.