Landon’s Hanging Tough

Wanted to give you all a quick update so that no one has to wait for too long. Today we visited around 11:00 and Landon was holding up. His oxygen levels were increased slightly for short periods of time because his lungs were getting tired. Landon is a shallow breather and sometimes he likes to “take breaks”. It scares us, but it seems to be very common in premies of his size. The nurses don’t seem worried at all, but I can’t wait to go back tonight to see how he is holding up. Landon has gained another 10 grams so he is now 690. Still a small guy…but he is almost back to birth weight which is great because they told us it could have taken 30 days. It looks like he will reach birth weight for his 2nd week birthday. They continue to increase his feedings so that around 5:00 tonight he should only be on oral feedings. If all goes well, he should be rid of his IV in a couple of days. He got one IV out of his hand today too, so soon he will be IV free. Landon will love it because he loves to use his hands to pull out all of his tubes. It keeps the nurses on their toes, but he is so much happier with the freedom. Our next goals are for Landon to be rid of his feeding tube (might take up to 2 weeks) and then his nose ventalator (we have no guesstimate of time for this because all babies are different and his poor lungs have a lot of growing to do). We look forward to the day when he is wire free because holding him will be even better.

Love to all!


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