
Banding Together in Memory of Alissa — No Comments

  1. Sarah and Jason, the two of you continue to amaze me. How you can think of others at such times like these is astonishing. You two have such generosity and strength, it makes you both great romodels for me and for Landon as well. Sarah, I am so proud to call you my sister. I am very much so hoping that you\’ve gotten most of your great traits from mom, because I wish to inherit them as well. You have always been a romodel to me, but especially now in this time of such stress and greiving, I know how strong and corageous you truly are. Jason, my sister could not have picked a better husband. All of our wars for shotgun showed that I was stronger physically, but emotionally you win, hands down. You have shown such strength, and for the way you took care of my sister when she was in the hospital, sleeping on a fold out chair, cooking and bringing her meals, making sure she had what she needed, I am eternally greatful. To the both of you, I am proud to call you my sister and my brother-in-law. Because Jason, there may be an -in-law, but you have always been just a brother to me. A part of the family, a guy to attack from behind, and someone who I could go to anytime I had any questions about how a car engine works.You both have many great friends and through this experience I have learned that I do as well. All my friends and teachers send their love to you at this time, and they\’ve taken care of me as well. Donating to the Dimes Memorial makes me feel closer to Alissa, and if Nannette were here I know she\’s be telling us all about what a great angel Alissa has become. I can\’t wait to be the best aunt that I can be to Landon, and the best sister I can be to you. I know I can be a brat all the time, and a conceited teenage girl, but if I haven\’t let you know already, I love you both beyond what words can express.

    ♥ Katie