What about the parents

Sarah so far is doing fine. She recovering from the preeclampsia and the hellp syndrome. She will hopefully be able to eat this afternoon and they are expecting to move her from the ICU to the maternity ward today. Below I’ve provided a link that I came across while reading about premmies. It explains what parents of premmies are going through, and I can say I’ve already gone through much of it. Give it a read:


What about the parents — No Comments

  1. I hope that one day Lissa will say \”Dad, how COULD you take a picture of me in that position – what if my friends see that???..let\’s pray that that wil happen, and that brother Landon chimes in \”Yea, Dad! How could you?\”
    That\’s my wish for the four of you! Congratulations! Keep that wonderfully strong and upbeat spirit and it looks like family and friends will be there en masse to do the praying, and the boosting, and the helping – and admiring! Mazel Tov! omi

  2. Congratulations, Sarah and Jason. Your \”Jason and Sarah\’s ePlace\” sure is full of wonderfully strong spirit and love. (And good photographic effort to boot.) Lissy and Landon sure picked good parents. All of us in the Stockton branch are sending our best thoughts your way, for all four of you.
    Love, Marsha, Jeff, Jessi, Sean, Mindy, Marty, & Justin

  3. Congratulations to both of you. I know it seems like a long journey ahead but with today\’s technology, your beautiful children are in great hands.
    As the aunt of two now very healthy extreme \”preemies,\” I understand a little of your stress. Both of my nephews are doing well, now. Just look at Adrik, Sarah. We are pray for all four of you.

    Dear Sarah and J
    No one could have known (least of all me) what you two would give to all of us.
    By watching your courage in handling these overwhelming trials and tribulations you have given all of us either a new or added appreciation of what it means to live life.
    To take a chance on doing something when the outcome is not 100% asssured. To share yourselves with all who know and love you. To help us see light where matbe we only see shadows. These are qualities that not only stand the test of time but will help Lanny and Lissy one day at a time!
    Congratulations on the birth of your precious children.
    Love Dad