It’s been way too long – Happy Birthday Landon

It’s been way too long since I’ve updated the site. I noticed today that the site was completely broken. So I had to re-install the blog software and now all is at peace. I haven’t uploaded pictures to the share site since Halloween, but here’s one of Cowboy Yoda Parker and Lando-Fett. Today is also Landon’s 6th birthday, so I want to wish him a very happy day!

Just a few updates. Landon started kindergarten in the fall and is at the top of his class (well we like to say his is anyway)! He was actually one of the first kids to be able to count to 100 and get all his sight words memorized. Way to go. He finished up a successful soccer season this fall with his team taking first place in the end of season tournament! I think he scored something like 5 goals, needless to say I was very proud. He’ll be starting up spring training soon as he’s signed up for t-ball.

Parker is quickly catching up to Landon in just about everything. He’s already fitting into 3-T clothes (mostly cause he’s tall even though he is stout)! He can keeps up with all things Landon from Wii to sports. He wants to read every book Landon has and he’s even learned how to throw a wicked left hook (yes he seems to be a lefty). He’s also pick up Landon’s knack for soccer, already mastering the foot on top pull back move.

Well you’d think I’d have more after a nearly two year hiatus, but alas, that’s all I got today. I will try to get more pictures up for anyone who still checks here.

Click here to view these on the Shutterfly site

Or view all the pictures on the Shutterfly site

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