Today’s Ultrasound

Well we got a little good news and some okay news (I’m trying to be an optimist so there is no bad news).

First off the okay news: the girl is estimated at 457 grams (up from 400 grams) and the boy is around 668 grams (up from 562 grams). So she is still growing, but it’s still slower than him. She hasn’t quite made that 500 gram mark yet. It’s important to note though (and both the doctors and the ultrasound tech stressed this) that it’s very difficult to get accurate numbers in less than 3 weeks between scans. The reason being babies don’t grow linearly. Some days they grow in length, others in weight, others they just relax. So we can’t be too sure about these numbers, but we can be sure they are growing.

So for the good news. The girls blood flow measurements were concerning at the previous scan. This time they appear to be slightly better (so at least it’s not getting worse). The boys measurements are still great. Also both the girl and boy are very active, have plenty of ambiotic fluid, and full bladders (that means they are processing nutrients). The doctors haven’t fully analyzed the data, but we think we bought a little more time as long as we can hold off the pre-eclampsia.

Sarah’s been hangin’ tough. She had another rough night, but it all settled back down again this morning. They have been keeping a closer eye on her these last couple days, but the blood work keeps coming back okay. She takes it each day one at a time.


Today’s Ultrasound — No Comments

  1. you are a toughie, and so, it looks, are your twins.. and the rest of us are with you in thought! Those were good news, and I do hope that the night will be better this time. Love Omi

  2. Thanks for the update Jay. I\’m proud of you cousin… you are really doing a wonderful job in keeping us all updated but mostly in supporting your wife. I know it\’s not easy. Hang in there and please reach out when you need to. Love Becca