New Pictures of Parks and Lakes!

Well finally got some new (and old) pictures up on the old Shutterfly site. Check em out! Here’s Landon’s old Shutterfly site as well with updated pictures from this year.

Both Parker and Landon are doing great. Parker is growing quite fast. He was well over 9 lbs at his 3 week check-in. Landon had a brief stint of wanting to trade Parker in for a girl, but has since gotten over that! Landon is doing great at pre-school, he’s managed to catch every cold they seem to throw at him! I believe that catching colds is a prerequisite to the pre-kindergarten class. As I understand it, in pre-K, they concentrate on how to spread the viruses (e.g. proper nose picking technique, how to sneeze for maximum dispersion of snot, and how to cough in your hand and then touch everything in site). Although he can spell cat, dog, and his name so they must be doing something right!

Parker in a blanket
Parker in a blanket
Landon in a blanket
An oldie but goodie – Landon in a blanket

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