What, a post, ’bout time don’t ya think!

Ok, 7 months since the last one, but I least I have a zillion pictures to share! Go to http://landonaaron.shutterfly.com/ and you can see a whole lotta new pics. Scroll down and click on the various albums to see more pictures! I think there are new albums all the way back to Easter! Below are a few to wet your appettite!

Well Landon has been doing great, except a short stint in the hospital. He spent a night in the hospital due to severe constipation, but they cleaned him out (imagine a 24 hour iv-drip of laxitaves and a kid still in diapers - ewww). At least he’s now pooping like a champ, but still haven’t talked him out of the diapers. (Boy he’s going to love showing this site to his friend’s in middle school!!) 

New subject: Lando-pando started going to school (ok glorified day-care) a couple mornings a week. He’s been having quite the time with separation anxiety, but I think he’s really starting to enjoy it now. He just asked the other day if he can have a sandwich at school (meaning: staying there all the way through lunch)! Before you know it he’ll be asking me to drop him off around the corner so his friends don’t see me! We also just found out that one of his girlfriends from across the street is now in his class. So hopefully that will inspire him to get an education.

He’s about 3 feet tall at this point and pushing 30 pounds. Besides being a typical 2 year old ball of trouble, he loves going to My Gym (kiddie play group place), playing with dad’s tools, playing air-guitar while dancing wildly, and drinking chocolate milk. He also now knows the “EARTH” … “QUAKES” chant from going to his first professional soccer game (as well as some other non-PG rated banter)! Go Quakes!

Yummy Dirt

Yummy Dirt

High Jump

High Jump

The Bridge to Nowhere

The Bridge to Nowhere


What, a post, ’bout time don’t ya think! — 3 Comments

  1. Thanks for the post, it was worth the wait…the pictures are adorable and it looks like you have had lots of fun this year.
    Hugs and Kisses to all three of you!
    She she