
Well seeing how its been since November since the last post, and we just got back from Hawaii, I think its about time for an update! Well Hawaii was the bees’ knees! We all had a great time. The weather was gorgeous and the beaches there just can’t be beat. Landon picked up some new phrases, like, “Big Wave” as he went tromping into them. “It’s fun to play in the ocean.” And after enjoying a post beach outdoor sand rinse, “It’s nice to take a shower”. The things kids come up with.

Hawaii 2008 - Eating Sand

Hawaii 2008 – Eating Sand: more Hawaii Pics here.

Before Hawaii Landon had his big 2nd Birthday Party. We had everyone over to the house for food, fun, and an indoor pinata!

Landons birthday cake

Mmmmm Cake: more B-day pics here.

And before his B-day, we had Christmas Eve and Christmas! Man thats a lot a pictures!


Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve: more Christmas Eve pics here


Christmas Day

Christmas Day – Landon and Ella: more Christmas Day pics here



Aloha — 2 Comments

  1. Lando, it sure looks like you’ve been having a good time since we last saw you on the ‘log’. Great pictures of your family, friends, & you. luv Pop Pop

  2. Hi there…just stumbled upon your blog and was amazed at our similarities. I, too, had boy/girl twins born in January of ’06 (Jan 30th). They were 27 weeks and our little girl Payton had severe IUGR (10 ozs at birth). She lived one day. Like your little Landon, our Casey is a thriving two year old. Great to see that your little boy is doing wonderfully like ours. Thanks for your story, I enjoyed reading it. Take care!