Movin’ on up…

Well its not quite official, but we should soon be closing on our new house in Willow Glen (San Jose). We’re moving out of Santa Clara next weekend and will be out of a house for about a month!!!

Willow Glen House

Landon has been doing great, although he seems to have yet another cold!!! For a kid who we keep sheltered, like gold at Fort Knoxx, he sure does seem to catch a lot of em. He was 19.5 lbs at his last weigh in at the beginning of March. He’s just getting ready to start walking, he actually took two steps before falling the other day. We also think he officially has said his first real word. He says “book”. He also says “ma-ma” and “google”, but we’re not so sure he knows what those mean.



And now we ask for your money!!! Why would we want your money you ask? Well its time for WalkAmerica (The March of Dimes). Landon is a proud member of Team Lil’ Pounder, and he will be walking/crawling for a great cause. If you would like to join us, or donate please see our link here:

WalkAmerica: Team Lil’ Pounder



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