First Blog of the New Year

Well, it has been since Thanksgiving since there has been a post, but I’ve finally found some time (an new pics see below). First off Landon would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year (even if it’s a little late). Landon has been quite busy. He spent the Winter Break and New Years up in Bend. He got to play in the snow for his very first time. He even sat on a sled!

He also finally got his first and second colds. Mostly just runny noses, but we were nervous nellies about it none-the-less. He’s weighing in around 17lbs 12oz and is a bit over 2 feet tall. He’s been crawling like a mad man since early December and he seems to be a climber!!! He pulls himself up to stand on everything and tries to climb it as if he were on Mt. Everest. He really wasn’t talking much until about a week ago when he had a weekend full playing with Zach, Ryan, and Baby Harrison. Now we can’t keep him quiet!!! Although Uncle Greg has been quite a bad influence on him already, he seems to prefer the Ga-Gas over the Ma-Mas or Da-Das. Aunt Kati was trying for the “K” sound, but was very disappointed when she realized she was going to be Auntie Kaka!!!

Oh yeah, Landon now has a whole bunch of teeth and is starting to eat real food. His favorites are crackers and cheerios! He’s also starting to learn how to bite!!! So you might want to keep out of his strike zone if you know whats good for you!!

Well enough jibber-jabber here are some pics:

Landon 2006 Holidays

This is from before x-mas and pre-tooth!!!


Landon 2006 Holidays

Landon on Christmas morning at the SF Zoo Merry Go Round


Landon 2006 Holidays

Haha, OK now who put the bow on my head!


Landon 2006 Holidays

Look we all match!!


Landon 2006 Holidays

Yayyy Snowwwww!!!


Landon 2006 Holidays

 Dashin through the snow, on a “One Dad” open sleigh!


First Blog of the New Year — 1 Comment

  1. It is so good to see you on the computer again Landon! I guess you have been keeping Mom and Dad really busy! I love your big smile in the sled picture..way to go Jo Wade