Hello All!

Now that my BP is more stablized and I am feeling better, I just wanted to check in and assure you that I (and the babies) are doing just fine. It is unfortunate that I couldn’t get any bedrest time at home (T.V., Video Games with Mike, playing with the dog), but I wouldn’t be receiving the care that I am here. Jason has been very supportive: sleeping restless nights on a horrible blue bed chair, bringing me toiletries and medications, cooking fresh dinners and bringing them to me, washing my new attire (Moo Moo’s {sp?}), and asking the doctors many, many questions to keep them on their toes. Hospital time is slow…each hour feels like forever, and somehow the nurses wake me up more at night, almost every hour, than in the day, which makes it very hard to sleep. Who ever heard of shift changes at 4am? Oh well, the important thing is that things are going well…each day counts! On a good note, tonight mom is bringing me La Taqueria burrito’s and will be staying with me so that Jason can sleep at home; she has been as supportive as Jason. It drives the nurses crazy that I am allowed to control my diabetes and eat my own food, but too bad!

Baby Update: Both babies have heart beats, and they seem to be about the same rates, which are both in the normal range. We also visited the NICU this morning and it was reassuring to see how many small babies are doing so well. It gives us hope that things will be okay, especially if I can make it just a few more weeks (February 9th is our first major goal to reach… at that point I will be 28 weeks pregnant). Next Tuesday or Thursday we have an ultrsound to see how well the babies are growing…we will let you know how that goes.

Thanks to all for the lovely flowers and warm wishes through these trying times. It is nice to be loved by so many!!!



Hello All! — 7 Comments

  1. Sorry to hear about everything your going through but glad to hear things are going well. We all miss you at dance in fact we were talking about you last Monday and wondered when you were going to visit us. I will let everyone know what\’s going on and let them know about this site. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. Dear Sara -your note sounds so happy and confident. I am glad.Wishes and more wishes (all my frlends!!) are coming your way!!~!!! Have tried to call Jay… please please ask your doctor what he thinks of acupuncture for you. I\’ve called my doctor who told me that YES it could help you and the babies. It normalizes the blood flow to the babies, and relieves nausea and pain.
    The needles do not hurt… the relief might let you carry to term. In my case it did wonders,
    Kaiser recommended and Kaiser-paid-for. ONLY if you go through your own doctor,— SAFER ANYWAY! I think it\’s worth a try. I chide myself for not having thought of it before.
    I send you love and so many good wishes for the Trio that you are right now…. omi

  3. Glad to get your update Sarah! Hang in there and let us know if you need anything! Shae was telling her class on Friday about \”her\” babies and how she is going to help you care for them… oy vey! Love you all!