Landon Sleeps at Night!

Well it was only a couple hours, but he finally slept in his crib for a couple hours without having to be held the other night. And we got a repeat performance last night. Well at least he did on daddy’s shift, not sure how he slept for mom! He hasn’t been weighed in quite a while, but we think he’s on the upper end of 7lbs pushing towards 8. He’s getting to be quite the handful armful.

Bath Time

After Bath


Landon Sleeps at Night! — 2 Comments

  1. Landon,
    How’d you sleep after me and Lindy left your house yesterday? Bet that couple hour mid-day nap you snuck in while we and your folks got caught up made you ready to rock-n’-roll all night! But holding you while you slept on my chest was priceless…even if mommy and daddy had to pay for it later:) Keep eatin’ like a champ and filling up those diapers (P.S.Thanks for the lesson in male anatomy). You are absolutely adorable and I can’t wait to see you again.
    Love, Suzanne

  2. What darling pctures!! Will you print some of them? Will we maybe see you for cousin’s birthday party – maybe just through the window? You are a little champ! keep it up… and I can’t wait to see you play soccer with the rest of the Jellin gang. Love omiGG