Sarah’s Day Off

Today I got to return to work for one day to see how this year’s 8th graders projects turned out. It was great to see old students…how mature they have suddenly become with graduation and high school lurking. I also got to see the great staff which I have missed dearly the last few months (goo goo ga ga conversations with Landon are just not cutting it). As one great teacher so eloquently put it, “I was not just Landon’s mom today.” I, of course, also got to show off his darling pictures to both staff and students…my best way of showing off our dear boy since we can not bring him to germy locations.

So wouldn’t you know it, the one day I leave for several hours, Landon is showing off for Daddy, Grandma She and Poppi. Apparently Landon rolled over several times today…everyone saw it. Now, I have seen him roll over before, but it was very spontaneous and was one at a time over several days, whereas today seemed more purposeful. I am so happy he liked to show off for everyone…but I better be there for first words and steps! Tonight he is a little fussy, but who wouldn’t be with a new trick under his belt? Cheers to you Landon, I guess you’re a roller now (though I need to see this for myself). 


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