Out and About

With the weather being pleasant (around 80 degress) and with a new stroller, we have gotten to take Landon out on a couple of walks. He sleeps the entire ride which we take as happiness, or at least contentment. Our first stroll was a few short blocks with Grandma Connie and the next was a tour around a walking trail with our negihbors Mike and Natalie. Cody got to come too which was great; he was not afraid of the stroller at all.

On Tuesday we had a dr appointment. Landon weighed in at 6 pounds even. Every pound is so hard to believe…and they are coming so quickly now. Needless to say, Landon is almost completely out of preemie clothes and is now into the smaller newborn sizes. It is so much fun to dress him up in his new outfits. Daddy even got great shots of Landon in his new golf attire!

Unfortuntatly we are also dealing with a bout of diarrhea. YUCK! The dr thinks it is from his caloric intake. She said that although he is growing so well (a good sign) his stomach probably isn’t absorbing all the nutrients from the calories he gets. So, we are no longer supplementing Landons milk with formula. So far, he still seems to have the runs, but it is getting better. The dr said it would take up to a week for results. If he still isn’t absorbing the nutrients well after that then we will drop the Iron and Vitamin supplements for awhile to see if that makes a difference. Poor Landon seems to have his dad’s stomach. And, boy, does he let us know it. We have had several hour long wailing episodes this week which really fray our nerves. We want to help him, but there is not much we can do. Luckily the last day has been much better (knock on wood). Grandma She, Grandma Connie…when are you coming back?

The good news is that after the crying Landon is really a happy guy. He is on the brink of smiling in reaction to people smiles and loves to stare at your face. He has now rolled over twice…both times I could not believe it! He wiggles in just the right way and suddenly rolls from stomach to back. He is getting quite good at it. Any week now and he will be rolling over regularly. We are even making great strides in breastfeeding. We met with a special nurse for this and have another appointment tomorrow. He is getting very good at it, it is just he is still so small so we have to supplement with bottles (which take less energy). It is not that he can’t do it, but at this point he has learned that bottles are easier for him and so he gets mad when he can’t have food right away. The nurse said it will take another month, at least, before he is a pro.

Jay and I both got a good sleep last night (alternating shifts) so we are in better spirits. Landon even let me sleep a whole hour. As he nears 42 weeks corrected age we will get to push the sleeping issues more. For now, we sleep when we can and a whole hour at night is fantastic. Thank you Moses basket…that has really saved us. Though pretty soon we’ll have to give it up when he becomes proficient at rolling.

Off to pick up a “talking Landon”.


Landon's Golf Outfit 

 Landon's Golf Outfit

 Landon's Golf Outfit




Out and About — 6 Comments

  1. Landon is too cute!!! He makes the rest of us look bad in comparison!!

    And Landon, don’t let Mom blame ALL the stomach problems on Dad’s side of the family, apparently way back in Mom’s side of the family there were some issues too…..
    Much Love Kid!
    ~Aunt Katie

  2. Dear Sarah and Jason;

    Landon is definitely a cutie. I am happy to hear he is doing so well. We miss Jason here at work, but understand that he is needed at home. Hope to see both of you and Landon soon. I am sure that all of H-Square would be thrilled to have a visit.

    Best Wishes to the Family. Happy First Mother’s Day.


  3. Happy Mother’s Day Sarah!

    6 lbs!!! Wow! Little Landon is sooooo beautiful.
    I love him in his first golf outfit. Too cute.
    Looking forward to the day we get to meet the little man. Thoughts and prayers…are with you always.
    Love, Taji