Official Due Date

Well it is hard to believe, but today is the official due date for the twins. Never would have thought they’d have come so soon, but things happen in mysterious ways. So instead of a couple of babies crying their heads off today, we have one precious and happy 3 1/2 month old.

On this special day, Jay and I would like to take the time and thank all the people who donated to the March of Dimes on behalf of Alissa! The money will be used to research why prematutre births happen and to create technonogy that keeps our precious preemies alive. I am sure that it is this organization which has helped with Landon’s remarkable survival and accomplishments.

We would also like to thank all of the people who have helped us through these most difficult and challenging times. But don’t think you are all off the hook yet, we still need the strength and support, and we love reading all of the comments posted about Landon’s progress.

On a wonderful note, Landon’s friend Baby Harrison (whom we mentioned a few times along the way) is being released from the hospital this Tuesday!!! We are so excited for his progress and so happy for his parents to finally get him home. Let us all think of them one more time as they too begin a new stage in their lives and wish them great sleep for the next couple of nights. Hopefully, when the boys are older, you will get to meet this remarkable baby at one of Landon’s B-day parties. It is truly amazing what great friendships arise over tragic hardships!




Official Due Date — 7 Comments

  1. You two amaze me more and more each day. The strength you have, and the thoughts you give out to others is remarkable. I am lucky to have such great role models to look up to, and for Landon to look up to as well. Here’s to Alissa’s memory, Landon’s wonderfull progress, and the hope that Baby Harrison with thrive just as much as Landon has in the while since his homecoming. With as much love as can be expressed through a comment, ♥ Katie.

  2. Congratulations to you both and Landon! All three of you are real survivors and still a few sleepness nights ahead of you over the next many years!

    I look forward to meeting Landon someday and see
    this little “lion” in person! Continue to enjoy him with all your hearts!

  3. I also enjoy reading about Landon! I was wondering how his little friend was doing and am very glad he is getting to come home! Question??don’t you think Landon should have 2 birthdays? One for the day he was born and one for the actual day he should have been born..after all, he worked hard ! Well Landon, I tried ..maybe your parents will go for it! Love Jo

  4. Landy -‘your’ Shower was a milestone. Someday you’ll see the pictures, meet all the people that rooted for you, and celebrated the wonderful little miracle that you are! I am sure they’ll pray for your little buddy too. Tiny as you are, you have brought many people together, – the world needs that! may you keep that knack as you grow up. Lots Love… omiGG

  5. Landon,
    I was disappointed to not see you on Saturday but thankful for the one-on-one time we all got with your mommy and for the special day we shared. Keep up the great progress and I’ll be down to see you (and your folks) soon.
    Love, Suzanne

  6. Sarah,
    It was a real joy to see you on Saturday and be able to have that time with you. You are a real trooper, as my dad used to say. I was very touched by the slide show that Jason put together. There was not a dry eye in the house.
    Love, Rhonda

  7. My prayers continue for all of you-and how wonderful to see you at the shower and hear your heartfelt expressions. Remember to bring Landon down to see me when he finally gets to visit Grandmother Connie!!!