Blog Neglect

Ok ok ok…I neglected the blog this week. Not a lot to report other than he is starting to let us sleep a little bit at night (maybe an hour or two). He’s getting real strong, throwing this head around, pushing his body away when being held, grabbing things. He also has developed a set of lungs that would scare a banshee! Luckily we only get that occasionally.

Enough jibber-jabber here’s the pictures:

Family Portrait

Landon and a binky

and no I wasn’t really sleeping, it was a set-up so hang up the phone to CPS!

Landon Sleeping with Dad


Blog Neglect — 8 Comments

  1. THANK YOU – as you can see by the time, I sure waited for this. You look darling, Landy (and a genius! who blows bubbles at age 3 months???) Love U, little fellow. omiGG
    and you look good too, Daddy!!!

  2. Hi Landon, I sure am glad your Omigg asked for some pictures! I was wondering if maybe you had worn your Mommy and Daddy out! You all looks so happy ! What a great family you are!

  3. Great family pic. You cant go away for that long, don’t you know we have heart attacks????? I love the fat accumulating on his little chins…he is getting so big!

  4. hey landon,
    i wanted to stop by and tell you that i had definetley a heart to heart with your mother yesterday at the baby shower. from then on, i’ve decided that i would further like to be a participant and your life buddy. we realized yesterday that you and i have something in common, something special. and i want to do everything in my power to help you and your parents out. gosh, i haven’t even seen you yet and i can’t wait when i do! i got a picture of you yesterday, and will be carrying it around with me, telling everyone that this is my baby cousin. and as soon as your ready, i know i’ll be able to come and see you as soon as your parents let me! anyways, let me know if there’s anything i can do for you landon. and i’ll be seeing you soon!
    love always,