Gaining Ground

Today we had another doctor appointment which confirmed how well Landon is doing. He is now 4 pounds 13.5 ounces and in the 17th percentile in the size charts. Yeah Landon! They are really impressed with how well he is growing since he has been home. With being held 22 hours a day and all the feedings, he has no choice but to gain weight like a champ! The doctor also commented on how alert he is and was impressed with his ability to focus at faces and objects. She really seemed pleased with all he has accomplished so far. At this point Landon is acting like any other “new baby”, crying and all (can the boy fuss!).  We are just so proud of how well Landon is doing. Wednesday we go back for the ROP eye recheck. I am not looking forward to it at all… I hate seeing him cry so hard, but we need to know how the ROP is progressing. Hopefully it has not progressed and Wednesday will be our last check for awhile. We are all keeping our fingers crossed. Love to all; sorry I don’t know how to post pictures on here ( plain lazziness on my part ).




Gaining Ground — 1 Comment