So Busy

We are becoming really lazy with this Blog! With our weird sleeping hours and taking care of the baby, it is obvious what has slipped through the crack. The nurse came yesterday and reported what we already knew, that Landon is a champ and is doing great. He now weighs a whooping 4 pounds 10 ounces! He is so huge compared to just a month ago. He gains about 1 ounce per day which is on the higher end of weight gain. He eats like a pro so we knew he is doing well. I may be biased, but the weight looks great on him…he is just too darn cute. The last few days we have broken out the toys and Landon now focuses on the things that blink and have lights. He is also showing more recognition of voices. All this is great progress for a guy who isn’t even considered term yet. When on his belly he has begun to move his head from side to side…meaning he can flip it over one way. He is also beginning to test his arm strength…but it will take a lot to eventually lift his heavy head. And…Landon’s pride and joy is that he now sucks on his thumb. He does not do it often, but he has developed the cordination to bring his hands together and get his thumb into his mouth. Again, this is a big accomplishment for our little man. Soon he’ll be rolling over and lifting his head for longer periods of time.


So Busy — 5 Comments

  1. Happy 12 week Birthday Landon, and thank your Mommy and Daddy for making me and your Poppy so happy with your beautiful picture!
    We love you
    Gma She

  2. LandoLakes: omiGG called me in the middle of work today to advise me of a family emergency: I must stop everything and check out “the blog”. Oh my goodness, she was right; it was worth it to see your beautiful, cherubic face and perfectly gorgeous little mouth!!! lots of love, GA Debi and boys