The Landmark 1500

Landon has now reached a huge milestone…1500 grams. That means he is 3 pounds 5 ounces. He is definitely growing and gaining weight each day now. He still has not made it into an open crib, but they are in the process of trying to get him there. Unfortunately, he was too cold when they lowered the temp. in his isolet to even risk putting him out in the open, so he will stay in his isolet for awhile. How long that will be is hard to tell. It may be a few days or could be even longer. He was so cold last night dad couldn’t give him a bath…but he did get one later that night. For now we sit and wait for him to grow bigger and stronger to come out into the open. Jay and I are really thankful that of all things prolonging his stay in the NICU, it is only his temp. which we know will be solved in short time.


The Landmark 1500 — 1 Comment

  1. So happy for the milestone! I am reading this in Florida as I just got back from Costa Rica and Panama where I could not check your blog. I continue to keep all 3 of you in my thoughts and prayers for a wonderful homecoming!!
    I visited a newborn nursery in Miami and the face I saw was Landon’s!