Still 1345 Grams

It’s hard to believe, but Landon is still 1345 grams. He is simply stalling on becoming 3 pounds. He must be burning more calories than we can imagine with all the bottle and breast feeding. We are hoping he will be 3 pounds tomorrow, but he had a really big day today. It started with a bottle feed (hold the vitamins please) which he really enjoyed. Around noon, he had his first eye exam, which he hated. They classified his eyes as “Immature” which is completely appropriate for his age. He will be examined again in two weeks. Tonight when we go back he will get a bath and change into his new outfit from the Burke’s. For a little man, he’s had quite the day. Hopefully he has had great napping opportunities in between where he can gain those grams.


Still 1345 Grams — 2 Comments

  1. Thats OK, there is no hurry to get to 3 pounds:) Logan and Connors eyes are still considered immature. Landon, it seems like you are becoming quite the fashion plate.

  2. Landon, be lucky they’re the ones dressing you. When you’re out of the hospital, you can come see my closet, you’ll know what I mean 😉

    ♥ From your Aunt Punky Stubblebine