Goodbye once more

Today marks the date one year ago when our little Lissy passed away. We decided at the time to have her cremated, but at that time we were unable to let her go. Today we went to a small beach just south of Carmel where Landon, Sarah, and I set her free. We love you Alissa Jean and your Lion’s roar will live on in our hearts forever.

Below are some views of “Lissy’s Beach”, where she departed for her journey around the world:

Lissy's Beach

Lissy's Beach

Lissy's Beach


Goodbye once more — 8 Comments

  1. We don’t know how you feel but what I do know is that pain and worry brought us together but I know that down the road we will look back and see that friendship kept us together. Thanks for being there for us over the last year. You will be in our hearts and prayers.

  2. Thank you Jay and Sarah
    Our Alissa will never be far away we hold her close in our hearts and prayers. The beach could not have been more beautiful or serene.
    Poppy and I love you.

  3. Alissa will be remembered. Her life may have been short but she was a real person who was born, she lived, and she died. The shortness of her life in no way equates to the importance of her life. As an important person, she will be remembered with fondness always.

    Letting her go at a beautiful beach was both beautiful and very courageous for the two of you. May the roar of the surf echo as her roar as well.
    -Dave & Sue

  4. Sarah, Jason, and Landon,
    I am at a loss for words. I LOVE all of you and you are always in my thoughts.
    Love, Suzanne, Sean, Maya, and boy-on-the-way.
    Here’s to a bright future raising our families together in Lissy’s memory.

  5. Sara, Jason and Landon:

    Thank you for sharing this particular moment in your lives. You chose a beautiful spot for Lissy’s journey, and it was a lovely way to memorialize her life. I see the ocean everyday, and you all will be in my thoughts everyday, too.

    Godspeed, little one.