Where o’ where has my Landon been

Well seeing how it has been over a month since the last post, here’s a Lando update.

Landon weighed in this week at 13lbs 1.5oz. At our previous doctor visit the Doc was telling us Landon is growing fine, but he wasn’t doing much in the way of catch-up. Well this time the doctor said he’s caught up a little. We’ve been adding Miracle Grow to his milk and it seems to work! 

Landon was having some loose stool issues, so we went to see an infant GI doc (who would have figured with his family tree full of relatives with stomach problems). Anyway they ran some tests and they came back with a positive result for malabsorption. Not much to worry about, he was just not getting all the nutrients he could, probably a result of a premature digestive system. Well the doctor mentioned adding preemie formula back into his diet which we did, but as it turns out we did the test wrong anyway. So we re-tested him, and he tested normal. So for now he gets formula and breast milk….mmm mmm good. Whther it was a bad test or adding the formula we don’t know. What we do know is that Landon is doing great.

In other news, mom went back to work part-time to bring home the bacon. She’s not teaching this year, she’s got a support staff position and has a quiet office away from the students. This should help keep her from getting sick this year! Dad had to hire himself a dad’s helper (aka a nanny). Chelsea helps out a couple days a week and her and Landon are quickly becoming old pals. Chelsea even got Landon to giggle histerically for the first time, which we now have on video (check back soon I plan to post that this weekend).

Other than that Landon has been going to dads soccer games, going out to dinner, walks in the park, and occasional tennis matches. We’re getting him out as much as possible cause RSV season is right around the corner and that means Landon will go into semi-hibernation!!!

Here’s a picture to hold you over until I can get the video up:


Landon in a gap outfit



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