No Pics, but at Least an Update

Well, once again we are pushing the limits on longest no-posting ever. As Landon grows and gets stronger every day, our time runs shorter. Notice how I am writing this post at 3:30 AM! Even though Landon is getting better at sleeping through the night, mom and dad are trying to adjust back to full nights of sleep. We often find ourselves unable to sleep for long periods at night because we haven’t done this for 6 months now (Yes, even when Landon was in the NICU we stayed up nights with worry). We are slowly learning to sleep for longer periods and it is so welcome.

Landon – After I suffered from an ear infection last week (right after Katie) that had me in bed for 2 days, we decided to get Landon checked out as well because he was fussy and crying 2 days straight. Turns out Landon had may have had a small virus, but no ear infection. Either way, he weighed in last week at 9 pounds 13 ounces. We thought he was past 10, but we were short a few ounces. I am sure he is 10 pounds something this week. We think because he may have a virus, he has had diarreah (AGAIN!!!) for quite awhile, but his doctor is not concerned because he is very happy and hydrated. Can’t wait for this to go away. For now, we change him all the time and read the messages the girls left on the diapers from the shower.

Over the last 3 weeks Landons skills have really improved. He is talking up a storm which is the cutest thing ever. As soon as he wakes up in the morning he cracks a smile and begins to chatter. Just the other day he talked to himself in the mirror for 1/2 an hour. No kidding! He coo’s and babbles and immitates sounds. He talks to people, his toys, himself. He talks all the time (especially in the morning). I think he asked me for a cell phone aready ;).

Landon is also rolling over pretty consistently now which makes keeping him on his tummy hard. As soon as we lay him on his belly he flips himself over…and boy does he get mad if we flip him right back. Some days he gets lazy and would rather chew on his hand, but mostly he works on getting to his back. He has also discovered his thumb on his right hand (the left is still missing as far as he’s concerned) which makes his talking interesting as he is always trying to cram his thumb in his mouth. He is so proud when he gets it and is pretty much rejecting pacifiers now. It is great for when he is upset because he calms himself down.

Lets see…what else. Landon is also grabbing (or flailing) for toys now and will sometimes grasp a rattle or toy. We are working on his fine motor skills as his oral and gross motor skills are way more advanced. It is amazing how much more he is doing is just one week. He is not behind in his fine motor skills, but he really uses his right hand more than his left so we are encouraging him to use his left more.

Besides all of this we are beginning to work on Landon sitting. He has a ways to go, but his trunk muscles seem very strong and with a little support (mostly to keep him from tipping) he is holding himself up nicely. he has also begun to scoot on his belly just a little during those times when we are successful at keeping him on his belly. 

(Yawn). Ooh i’m getting sleepy…good. Can’t think of much more at the moment though I know there is more.

Congrats to all the new babies: Carson, Cal and, expecting another tomorrow afternoon, _____ Smith. July was a busy birth month for our friends. 


Love to All


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