Landon’s First 4th (of July that is)

Sorry folks, we didn’t have a chance to dress Landon up as the Flag (and we didn’t want him to get arrested for accidentally peeing on it). We promise big things for Labor day though!!!

Well, 4th of July is the Family camping trip, and although we didn’t pack the tent and bring Lando Commando for a full blown camp-out, we brought him on a couple day trips. Our family camps just over the hill near Santa Cruz and as it’s really only about 30 minutes from our house (just a hop, skip, and a jump away). Landon made his first trip (of many to come) to the “Garden of Eden” (not sure if this is the real one or not, but there weren’t any apple trees), was at his first annual family volleyball game, and even had his first experience in the “bee tent”. Here’s a picture from the “Garden of Eden”:

Landon on a Hike

We spent the 4th watching our Santa Clara’s City Fireworks Spectacular from Mike and Nat’s house!!! Wouldn’t you know it but their driveway was a prime location for viewing as they are just a couple blocks away from where they shoot them off. We were getting ready to charge admission to all the cars pulling up in from of their house, but the show ended and everyone left! Landon slept right through all the booms and bangs. Here he is with mom in his “First 4th” shirt and hat:

Landon on a Hike


Landon’s First 4th (of July that is) — 3 Comments

  1. I loved being with you at camp Landon! Thanks for letting me feed you and cuddle. Shae loved her special time with you at the park. She has so much planned for you already! Love cuzB

  2. Sarah looks like such a model in her black turtle neck, very sophisticado. And Landon looks, well adorable. But that’s not becase of his outfit, its just the way he comes. Must be genetics.

    Love, Aunt Katie

  3. How adorable!!! I tried to dress Baby Harrison up, but he was still in Newborn and everything was big!! He did however watch all of the fireworks and even coo’d a bit!