8 day between blogs – A new record!

Ok ok, I got some pictures for you. But first a little update. Last weekend Landon went to his cousin Zach’s birthday party, where he got to meet quite a bit of his family. He got to hang with his cuz-es Shae, Emma, and Zach.  He also got to meet his noun-adelfos, Ryan (Gus translate that for Tiffany if I’m even close). This weekend he’s planning on meeting some more family!!! And of course dad plans to have a relaxing sunday afternoon-First Father’s Day, drinking a beer, watching the World Cup, and getting a back massage (achem, Sarah are you listening – I don’t want no stinking flowers). Landon’s good buddy baby Harrison also came to visit us this week as did Omi GG. Wow what an action packed week. Did I mention to thank Emma for letting Landon user her automated bassinet. Landon simply loves it (and so do I cause I’m finally getting some sleep)!!

landon and harrison

landon on boppy

landon with mom


8 day between blogs – A new record! — 6 Comments

  1. look how much you have grown! I love the picture of you and your little friend! It is so nice that you get to be out in that big world some now. I am looking forward to meeting you, next year maybe you too can sell lemonade with your cousins! Hmmn maybe you will just be selling your cousins lemons…love Jo

  2. I don’t know how I feel about this whole baby thing….he’s just too cute, how are the rest of us supposed to compare? hehehe I’ll see you guys soon! xoxoKatie

  3. Happy Fathers Day!!!
    Landon is very lucky to have one of the greatest fathers of all time!! Enjoy each other today and always.
    All my love,

  4. Landy – you are the sweetest little guy…now concentrate on growing some hair. I saw a lot of fuzz starting, now push it out and I’ll get you some jel, and you’ll be so handsome!!! But I’ll love you with or without… omiGG

  5. They are so precious. I am glad you are finally getting some sleep but this picture shows exactly the diefference between our boys…ours sleeps. 🙂 jk…I hope you had a great Father’s Day, Jason and a Happy Birthday, Sarah. We must get together again soon. Maybe both boys will be awake this time since Baby Harrison is really getting on a good schedule. We may have to buy bigger matching outfits soon for our “Brother’s from another Mother” as hopefully 0/3 will fit soon.