Tuesday, May 23rd

Not much to report. Landon has been keeping us very busy so it is getting harder and harder to come here and post. We had a dr appointment today. Landon weighs 6 pounds 13 ounces and is doing very well. He also got another round of vaccines today and tonight he is not a happy camper (though last Monday and Tuesday he screamed too…so maybe it is just a early-week thing). He did great getting the shots though. Cried a little for the first two and a lot after the third. Enough had been enough! I can’t believe they use the same size needle on babies as they do adults for vaccines…how cruel. Only thing we really need to do different with Landon (per doctors orders) is lay him on one side more (he’s getting flat on one side of his head more than the other…though it is barely noticible…even the dr said she was being really picky) and take him out in the sun for 15 minutes each day. His stomach dosesn’t seem to like vitamins so we have to give him his Vitamin D via sunlight each day. Now we have an excuse to get out of the house on walks more often. Landon’s waking up…gotta run (thanks for barking Cody).



Tuesday, May 23rd — 3 Comments

  1. Oh Landon! Oh Cody! Oh how I love you all!!!! Good idea getting that boy some sun, don’t want him to end up as white as me!!!

  2. Landon, you are growing so fast. Tell Mommy and Daddy a little crying is to be expected. Granma She and Poppy think you are spectacular and absolutley an angel.
    Love you cutie pie!
    Your She she

  3. Looking at your pictures, Landon, I just can’t believe you ever cry!! You are always wearing a happy face! I am sure Mommy and Daddy have a different view than we see sometimes,but know how much they cherish those expressions that you use to let them know your wants !