Still Growing Strong

Boy has it been a long time since I have posted…and I am so tired that it is taking extra long just to remember which keys get pressed by which fingers. But it is all worth it. Landon is truly amazing and though we’ve only had him home for a week, it almost feels as though he has always been here (minus our interaction with friends and family because of germs…which are all dearly missed…the family and friends that is).

Yesterday we had our first doctors appointment after our release from the NICU and things look great. Landon now weighs 4 pounds 3 ounces! I think it is mostly his cheeks which are becoming quite chipmunk-like. He is eating well, pooping well and staying awake for longer periods of time. He now fits in preemie size clothes which is great because we have so many (thanks to grandma’s, aunts and friends). This is good because with his aim, we go through many outfits a day. In fact, Landon even welcomed the doctor by peeing on her too! The nurse thought he was adorable (she also has a 2 1/2 month old except she is 10 pounds) and asked if she could simply hold him. Landon is already wooing the ladies =).

Let’s see…what else…Landon now focuses on objects like mobiles and bright lights. He does not yet interact with faces too much, but he does respond well to voices. We are so thrilled with any interaction because right now he is still considered a month premature. Though it will take awhile to close the preemie gap, we are making a lot of progress…especially in the weight department. The doctor again stated that we have an excellent chance of Landon having no preemie set backs that will effect him for life…though again, only time is a predictor of this. 

The hard part about being away from the NICU is the bonding that occured with other parents and the staff. We miss his nurses and it is hard not to show them just how big and handsome he has become. In August there is a NICU reunion…but I want to show them now how well we are doing. Without the nurses and all their love, we would not be where we are today. We also miss seeing the progress of the other babies. All of Landon’s friends are still there (we get updates from his friend Baby Harrison) which only confirms how well Landon has done. Hopefully all of his friends will be home soon!

Alright, I think i’ve written enough and now I am too lazy for spell check so you all will just have to make due.


Still Growing Strong — 2 Comments

  1. great to hear from you Tired Momma; I marvel at how articulate you are even in your sleep-deprived state. So happy to hear of LOL’s (that’s Lando’Lakes not lots of laughs…or could be lots of love in this case too) progress. Even though we cannot yet snuggle with him we will feel like we know him so well when we do; thanks to you and Jay keeping us all so well informed!!! also just think you won’t have to keep individual notes for the baby book (or boxES in Aunt Kell’s case); you can just print the blog and hand it over to him (Eli still holds it against us that we don’t have even as little as his first word entered anywhere…and since LOL’s been born we’ve been arguing about how much he weighed…O says 6’8 but E and I think 5’8-we know it must be recorded somewhere???(well that’s what you get having a mother who managed medical record departments….forget about her own family’s records!
    Anyway, sending tons of love to all….xxx, G.A. debi and O and Eli

  2. Hi Landon,
    Gamma She is having the best time showing off your pictures at work, everyone is so impressed with how big and grown-up you have gotten. Are Mommy and Daddy behaving and doing as you tell them? Don’t forget the tricks I taught you so you get them properly trained! Poppy and I are looking forward to big snuggles and huggles soon.
    Love She She