A Big 2 Month B-day

Today is Landon’s 2nd month b-day…and does he have a big day ahead of him! He began the day with his normal Lab checks, all of which came back good. Next, he had his air cannula completely removed so he is now breathing entirely on his own. So far, he has done very well. It is the first time we have seen Landon with no tubes…I mean none. He has a completely wire free, tube free, gear free face. Of course there will be pictures tonight.

Landon’s day continues with Immunizations (a total of 3 shots =(…) and a head ultrasound which should be his last before he comes home. Then we have a meeting with a consultant to help with breast feeding, assuming he can stay awake after all his shots. There’s still more…

As if this is not enough, they have also turned down the temperature on his isolet condo and now wrap him in blankets instead. This is to prepare him for his transfer to an open crib which will happen sometime this week =). ALSO, he now gets to eat whatever amount he wants. This means they have stopped giving him extra boost calories and are now giving him as much breast milk as to his heart’s content. He should really begin packing on the pounds now.

Landon also had a bath scheduled for today which I kindly asked to be postponed until tomorrow. This way dad can go in and bath him and Landon will have a little extra rest after this long day. Woo, it took a lot of energy just to type all this stuff that our boy is going through today. Oh ya, Landon gained 30 grams yesterday so he is now at 1445. Way to go Landon, and happy b-day little guy.


A Big 2 Month B-day — 8 Comments

  1. Wonderful progress! Happy birthday Landon!! All your hard work will soon be behind you and your birthdays will be about cake and bouncy-houses, not breastmilk and isolets.
    Love, Suzanne

  2. Wow, just how much excitement can one Granma (or baby boy) take in one day??
    Landon you are such a little fighter and you just amaze all of us each and every day. Sometimes the hospital scares me when they move so fast but you just quietly rise to the occasion. I bet you are home in your pretty little room before you know it.
    Happy 2 month Birthday big guy. Your Poppy and Granma love you!

  3. Happy bithday to you, Happy bithday to you…. wish I could give you some cake, but at least youve got your milk (all you want). It should be again of 1-2 ounces a day from here on out!

  4. Happy Birthday, Landon! Sorry you got a shot for a present. Emma and Zach will tell you that you have that to look forward to for many years to come.
    Enjoy your milk, drink lots!
    Hugs and kisses,
    Aunt Kelly, Uncle Brian, Emma, and Zach

  5. Happy Birhtday Landon. I just had dinner with your parents (Nouno and Sarah) and they said that you would be coming home sometime next week. I can’t wait to meet you. They also told me that we are going to go to Disneyland together. Get big and strong soon, and before you know it we will be at the happiest place on earth.
    P.S. Did your parents show you the picture I drew for you? It was quite the masterpiece if I do say so myself.

