3lbs, 3lbs, 3lbs

Today Landon is 1395 grams = 3lbs 1 oz. He remains at .2 flow for air (mainly because the doctors are too busy with the other babies) but were not pushing him this time. As of 5pm today Lando LakesTM will have gone 24 hours taking all feeds by bottle! Landon has been doing so well in fact, that we were able for the first time to let Grandma She and Grandma Connie come hold him. I think they were both thrilled to say the least!


3lbs, 3lbs, 3lbs — 9 Comments

  1. Congratulationson being held by your grandmas, Landon! Your mommy and daddy are terrific, but nobody will spoil you like grandparents (it is the benefit they get for putting up with your mommy and daddy when on one or occasions they were less than terrific).
    You are officially a tiny preemie and not a micro preemie!
    Hugs and snuggles,
    Aunt Kelly

  2. Wow..3 pounds!! Way to go big guy! I hope when your Grandmas were holding you that you realized that these are the ladies you talk to when you want things! If Mommy says NO..ask grandma!! Jo

  3. Sarah and Jason,

    So glad that Landon has finally hit the big 3-0+. What a great day with both grandma’s being able to hold him. You must be so pleased with your little fighter. I love all the pictures, he will be a ladies man when he grows up, he is so cute. We’re all rooting for the three of you.


  4. Hi Lanzy,
    I so hated to leave you today, I am glad you like the hush ababy song. You are so beautiful and so cuddly and ever so brave as you continue to grow big and strong. I am so proud of you and proud to be your she she.
    Big Kisses…

  5. Wow, now that he has hit 3 pounds watch how fast the weight piles on. I swear once the boys reached 3 pouinds there was no turnign back. It happens quickly!

  6. Dear Landon. What a thrill it was to hold you near and how difficult it was to let go. Keep on growing and soon you’ll be home with your mommy and daddy who will hold and comfort you until you say, “Enough already, I’ve got lots of things to do!” Happy 2nd month birthday tomorrow.
    Grandma Connie