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Landon continues to work miracles. He is now at .3 flow on his nasal cannula and has had no reported desats for several days. Simply marvelous. Today he has gained no weight (still at 1305 grams) which means the 3 pound goal continues to elude us. Because of his learning how to bottle and breast feed….plus his baths and outfit changes, he seems to be burning up all his calories on everything but growing. Perhaps they will raise the amount of his feeds tomorrow. The sooner we hit near the 1500 gram mark (which means he can enter an open crib), the sooner he will be coming home. He should be getting his eye exams this week too which was postponed from last week (busy doctor). Hopefully we will have the results from that later this week. In the meantime, enjoy more pictures.


Dad Feeding Landon
“Dad Feeding Landon”

A New Hat Made By Omi
“A New Hat Made By Omi”


More Pictures — 6 Comments

  1. I love the ‘documentary’ of your progress Landy
    and your mommie knows so well to tell us just what we want to know – all those good news about you! And of course, I love your pictures! I study them at length, and can see where your little cheeks are getting rounder and you get bigger–, and I always end up by giving you a kiss – right smack on the monitor.

    Come-on. Landy – let’s go for three pounds!!!
    Love – your omiGG

  2. Sarah! You will not believe what happened! I mean…you will if you watched American Idol, but just in case you didn’t I’ll fill you in…Kevin got voted off! My future husband is out of the running. And just so it doesn’t alarm you when you see me on tv mom and I have decided that now Fox or Abc has to make a show were Kevin is the lead, and I have to be cast in it, and then Kevin and I can be K² The perfect Hollywood couple. I’ve already decided what I’m going to wear when we go to the Grammy’s together. A white pinstripe suit(but a cute girls suit) and a white pinstripe fedora to match his white pinstripe shirt that he wore under his blue sweater. I know, super cool right? I just had to let you know because I was heartbroken.

    ♥ Katie