
“Wandin” (cousin Zach’s version of Landon) gained 5 grams today. Not a huge gain, but a gain none the less. His cannula flow level was lowered to 1.0 last night and so far he seems to be doing okay. He did seem to have a few desats while I was holding him, but it was hard to tell if I had his neck in funky positions or if the desats were from the pressure being lowered. Either way, non of them were severe and I don’t think they were even written down in his notes. Because of his recent weight gain, they also raised his feeds to 20 cc’s…which means he eats about 5 oz of food a day. Pretty soon he will be nearing the 1200 gram mark.



“Wandin” — 6 Comments

  1. µ is the mathematical way for saying micro, by the way. I’m going to make such a cool Aunt. Who else can HTML it up like Katie can?

    ¢¢¢¢ ♥ Katie

  2. Yeah, Ok, you’re pretty HTML’d up yourself, but you’re how old? And I’m…yeah, just 13.

    Oh well, sending hugs and kisses your way

    (Ok Ok I looked that one up online)

  3. I said I looked that one up online, and it made no sense, but it’s only because there was supposed to be an image there and it didn’t work. aaarrrggggaaallllaaahhhh