An answer for Shae Shae

Here’s Landon’s sophisticated temperature control system. His condo’s air temperature is usually kept around 31-32 degrees C or 88-89 degrees F. Kind of like being in Hawaii in July!!

Isolette HVAC
“Isolette HVAC”


An answer for Shae Shae — No Comments

  1. Very educational but when I see pictures, I expect to see an adorable baby who looks a bit bigger every time. Seeing a picture of a temperature thing is like going to McDonald\’s and only getting a side salad. Where\’s the Big Mac?
    AUnt Kelly

  2. See if I make you wait for the pics it makes it just that much better when you get them! Besides, this is a picture from a couple days ago, didn\’t bring the camera tonight. You\’ll just have to wait until tomorrow.

  3. Thank you Jay for answering my questions. All those degrees are confusing but I do understand \”Hawaii in July\” – that is HOT HOT HOT! Love you all! Love Shae-Shae

  4. Now I\’m leaving a comment from the science lab, but it\’s during lunch, so I definately don\’t need help with that. Can you please put up another picture of Landon soon? I love seeing that adorable little guy. Tell Landon I really enjoyed seeing him last night. I love you all,
