Landon’s Moving!

Real-estate is a hot commodity in the Santa Clara NICU right now. Since it is a sellers market, Landon has decided to cell his Giraffe Mansion and trade it in for a Portable Condo…yes that’s right…Landon is moving to a new isolet (the kind for more stable babies).

We got the word a few days ago that Landon would soon be moving into a new isolet. This isolet is the next step towards his journey home. The new isolet is a place for babies who are doing well and who don’t need all the fancy equipment attached to the giraffe’s. So, not only will Landon be making a move, but he will have one less cord attached to him too! Landon could have spent a few more days in the giraffe, but apparently they need a giraffe for incoming patients, and Landon has been doing so well he was the next baby to move. We are so proud of our little guy! He is now that much closer to coming home. As long as the mortgage goes through (he remains stable throughout the next few hours), Landon will be in his new condo when we visit him tonight =).

In other news, Landon also gained 50 grams today (guess he was tired of losing weight the last few days). This could be because they increased his calories to 28 per feeding. So far, he seems to be liking the new calories. They also lowered his cannula pressure to 1 1/2 last night. Guess he didn’t stay at 2 for long. He seems to be doing very well at 1 1/2. When he makes it down to a 1, they will change out his nasal cannula for a new kind which he will keep for awhile. But, once he is on the new kind he will get to try bottle feeding. The new nasal cannula usually comes with the Condo’s, so we will see tonight if he stays with the old cannula or gets the new one. Either way, it looks like bottle feeding is in our future.

There is just so much good stuff happening right now…we like it when the roller coaster is smooth.


Landon’s Moving! — No Comments

  1. Sarah,
    I can tell from the tone of your message today that you are excited and optimistic. I am so happy for you! I\’m sure that when you are in high hopes, that Landon can sense it and follow suit, so he is bound to keep thriving! Give both your boys kisses for me and take care of yourself. Love, Suzanne

  2. That is all such great news! We\’re all cheering you on little buddy. You can do it, yes you can! If you can\’t do it, noone can. Gooo Landon!! That\’ll come in handy again when he\’s a big boy and he\’s out there playing sports. Sending lots of love to nephew, brother, and sister.