910 Grams!!!

Well Landon is 910 grams today, thats 3 grams over 2 pounds!!!! What a moose he’s turning out to be!
He has been having a few more apnea spells the past few days so we sort of pushed the doctors to check his red blood cell levels this morning (it was planned for Monday). They were low so he got his second transfusion tonight (he had his last on Feb 7th). Tonight he seemed to be doing much better and we’ll watch him for the next few days to keep an eye on the apnea. Should the transfusion not help, the doctors have a few other tricks up their sleeve. All this of course is perfectly normal (so they tell us) but it’s hard to witness.

We also wanted to remind all you well wishers out there about some of our new NICU friends. We met a couple in our NICU with a baby close in age and size to Landon who’s been having a rough couple of days and Sarah has an internet buddy across the country and their NICU twins are also having a bumpy road. So please think about them too!


910 Grams!!! — No Comments

  1. Wow, two pounds! If you keep this up, I will be shopping in the \”Big and Tall\” section of the preemie store! You are doing great. You and all of your buddies are in our thoughts.