4 Weeks Old

Today Landon is 4 weeks old! He now weighs 890 grams (17 shy of the two pound mark). We keep whispering in his ear that his Uncle Greg is coming to see him tomorrow and that 2 pounds would be a great size to show off. But, Landon is playing with us by having only gained 10 grams since yesterday. We’ll have to see if he makes it or not. Everything else is the same. His cannula is still at the pressure of 4 and he continues to have his apnea spells. Yesterday he had quite a few. Today he seems to be doing better, but it is so hard to tell. He still looks around a lot when we are there and he has even begun to wink at the nurses =). He is becoming quite the young man already.


4 Weeks Old — No Comments

  1. Hey LJ :
    Happy 4 week birthday,
    It goes way back before even your Great Great Grandfather Siegfried (whom I don’t know) who beget your Great Grandfather Walter (also known as PaPa) who had a sublime hairy chest and was an extraordinary man who beget your Grandfather Ricky (also known as Poppy ) who has a sublime hairy chest & beard too who is an extraordinary man who beget Brian, Greg and your Daddy Jason who has a sublime hairy chest and is an extraordinary man who beget Lissy and you too who will grow big and strong into an extraordinary man with a sublime hairy chest to blanket a warm loving heart following in the footsteps of the Jellin men born before you!

    Granma She loves you