“Let it all out” Landon

Tonight went much better for Landon. He was nice and settled when we arrived in the NICU tonight, so daddy got to hold him. We had just placed Landon on daddy’s chest and gotten his wires settles when Landon decided things were going way to easily… so he peed on daddy’s stomach and shirt. Jason has gotten the first official “blessing” by Landon. After a quick clean up and a fresh diaper (yes, daddy was still holding him) Landon was all set to settle into a peaceful slumber. At one point he did move around a bit and wailed so loud, the nurse turned around and asked, “Is that Landon?” He must be practicing his crying for when he comes home. After the wailing (yes, it breaks your heart), he settled in nicely, even pulling out a few more of Jay’s hairs. Who needs professional hair removal when you’ve got Landon.

On another note – Landon has a belly button! His cord has fallen off and his cute little belly has a nice new belly button. Right now, it looks like an upside down, stretched-out smiley. It is so darn cute. We will have to get pictures of it later. And, as his hair is growing, it is beginning to grow fuzzy so that it sticks out on the sides. Right now, the color is that Lanugo White/Blonde, but it seems to be getting darker as time progresses. You can almost see it in the “Loungin’ Landon” picture.

Hope all of the updates today have made up for yesterday.


“Let it all out” Landon — No Comments

  1. Blessing, right. Landon\’s belly button does sound cute though, sort of like Grandpa Paul\’s only a lot smaller. I\’m sure having your baby to pull out your hair is better than a shower in Hawaii, right Jay?

  2. Very cute balled up Landon. J+S, I\’m coming home to see him next week so I hope they\’ll let me. Is it too early for his first soccer ball?

    p.s. Landon looks like a real pro lounger… glad to see the genes being passed down the generations.