Landon’s 2 weeks old!

For his weekly birthday the nurse took out his last IV so now he only has a feeding tube, the nose cpap, and a few sensors. He also reached his original birthweight today (700 grams) which for his size usually takes about 4 weeks! Good job buddy.

Today is also Grandma’s birthday too! Happy birthdays all around.


Landon’s 2 weeks old! — No Comments

  1. Happy Birthday, Little Landon
    GOD BLESS YOU and make you big and strong and Happy? Please askyo r Daddy to take another picture of you – with your birthday cake.
    Love omiGG

  2. Praise the Lord!

    Landon and Grandma She
    Happy Birthday to you…..Happy Birthday to you! We feel like the ones that got a present today with all this good news.
    Keep up the good work.
    Aunt Judy, Uncle Steve, Melanie & family.