Woo Hoo!

Today was another good day for both babies. Alissa was feeling much better after her surgery Friday (to insert the permanent IV) and she was moving around to show her progress. Her vitals all looked good and she looks like she is gaining a little weight (Though, for some reason the nurses will not tell us how much she weighs now…we figure she is still under her initial birth weight and they don’t want to scare us, or that it simply isn’t a big deal at this point). Landon gained 20 grams (He is now 660) and was moving around like crazy; flailing his arms, kicking his legs, and trying to pull out is nose ventalator. He was really keeping the nurse on her toes today. He also got his first bath! The big news, however, is that he has pooped too!!! Thank You Alissa for leading the way and showing your older brother how it is done. It is funny how these little things mean so much now. I am guessing that the babies had such a great day because over the last two days they have met both grandpa’s and Aunt Katie. They must be starting to realize how many people care about them doing well.

On a funny note, holding Landon yesterday the first words out of my mouth were, “You need to poop now.” I then immediatly thought, “Awe man, why coudln’t I have said we love you or something more sentamental?” Now I can’t wait to hear what his first word to me will be =)

Thanks for all of the support; I know the babies are thriving because of it.


Woo Hoo! — No Comments

  1. Landon is squirming around so much because he wants his mom to hold him some more!
    Congratulations on everyone pooping. It is a huge deal! Lissy is a Jellin woman, of course she will her brother how it is done!
    We are looking forward to more pictures. Cannot wait to see Jay holding Landon (and Lissy too).
    K,B, E, and Z

  2. To All-
    That is great news. This might seem a little of topic but I just want to let all Jellin soccer fans know that this Friday I will be going to Pac Bell park to watch the Japan vs. USA World Cup soccer game with my friends. While I was thinking about this event I realized that the US team captains first name is Landon, and I can\’t help but to thinnk in about 20 years maybe we will all be going to the game watching our own Landon play. With much love,

  3. you can\’t imagine how I milk, and coax this computer every day to hear about Lissy and Landon\’s progress,, and again, Thank God, the news was \’spectacular\’. Please please keep it up, you two little miracles. I love You!!!!!! omiGG

  4. Well of course they thrived after seeing me, the whole world thrives from knowing. Kidding kidding, every 13 year old girl gets to be self absorbed every once and a while, just you wait and see.

    Lots of love, Katie

    P.S. Sorry I wasn\’t much fun yesterday, I had no intention of falling asleep on your floor!

  5. what wonderful news. How great sarah was able to hold Landon the bonding is really beginning. And soon she will be holding Lissy. I couldn\’t wait to get to work to see my email today. due to i only receive it at work. I never go on the computer at home. Love to all