The twins are 1 week today!

Word out on the street is that all you bloggers are anxiously awaiting your daily update. Normally I’m not one for much suspense, however, just for fun I think I will drag this blog out a bit before getting to today’s update. Okay I think that was enough!

Both babies are doing well. We had to wait until tonight to get the results of the tests mentioned in an earlier blog. The test was a head ultrasound scan to check for Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH) or brain bleeds. Grades 1 and 2 are very common for early preemies. We already knew Lissy had a grade 3 on one side, however, we were waiting for today’s test because they were also testing Landon and usually they won’t get bleeds after this. So Landon has a grade 1 on both sides which is great news because that is very minor, the doctor equated it to a “bruise” and “nothing to worry about”. Lissy’s grade 3 was very concerning because they thought it might get worse, however since it’s stable and only on one side it looks like it will be alright. There still is the potential for other complications, but not as bad as if it progressed to a grade 4.

Lissy also had to have a very minor and very common surgery to implant an IV. This was done to give them better access for nutrition. Barring any rare infections, this IV will last for her entire stay, unlike the typical IVs which are replaced weekly. The surgery went off without a hitch. Other than that she is still hanging in there.

Landon is continuing to amaze us as well. His umbilical IV was removed (although he does still have a second line in his leg). He is mostly breathing on his own with minimal help. He’s been having milk and seems to like it, although we’re still waiting for that first all important poop from him (what a scrapbook trinket that will be)! We are hoping to hold him for the first time tomorrow.

Today the rollercoaster went really fast but straight up!


The twins are 1 week today! — No Comments

  1. Happy Birthday Landon and Lissy! You two are amazing! You are really showing us what great little fighters you both are! You are always in our thoughts! Landon,we can\’t wait to hear about that all important first poop! Your Daddy will be so proud!! Maybe you can arrange for it to happen when he is holding you! Bet Mommy would like that! Love and prayers to the four of you..Jim and Jo

  2. Hip hip hurray! You are one week today! Landon and Lissy you are both truly amazing. We love you both so much. Every night Emma prays for you to get big fast. She cannot wait to meet you.

    Kelly, Brian, Emma, and Zach

  3. How I have waited for today\’s blog!!! and it was
    worth waiting for! Happy Birthday little Treasures! Keep fighting, there is so much Love awaiting you…
    Enjoy Kangaroo Care, little Landon, thrive! and Lissy, with Emma\’s prayers for you (and mine too) I hope your day will come sooner than anyone expected, and you will cuddle with your mom and dad too, and grow big and strong.

  4. Happy Birthday little ones! Oh how I can\’t wait to see the pictures of your mommy and daddy holding you. Lissy, you are one tough cookie – obviously already showing typical signs of a good Jellin woman! 🙂 Love you all!
    ~ Becca

  5. I have to admit, I check the blog many times a day, hoping for the next piece of good news. Reaching the end of the first week is an amazing feat. Lissy and Landon are wonderful fighters. Sarah and Jason keep hanging in there. You have a great support system in place, don\’t forget to use it often as needed. Just think, someday you will be able to look at this scary beginning as a distant memory while playing with two healthy kids. Have fun holding Landon today, and hopefully it won\’t be long before you are able to hold Lissy too.

    All the best, Terri Hughes

  6. Happy first-week birthday Lissy and Landon!
    Okay it\’s official. I am now finally addicted to a blog. I heard it could happen but I never thought it would happen to me. Now I can\’t begin or end my day without my dose of JJandSarah\’s blog. Jason, can you feed my habit right up thru the twin\’s 16th birthday?
    Thanks for all the great news. All of us are excited to hear that the rollercoaster is going up and up.