Thanks and a thought

First off I just wanted to thank everyone for the overwhelming support. We really appreciate it and it gives us strength and encouragement.

I also wanted to let everyone know about something I was thinking about. Sarah has been part of a message board for twin parents since we found out we were having twins. On the board there are groups of women who post together who have similar due dates. In particular their was two other women who have just given birth prematurely as well. One at 28 weeks the other at 26 (the same as us). It just hit me that there are lots of premmies everywhere fighting for their lives. So I’d just like everyone, while you’re thinking about Lissy and Landon, to also think about all the other babies out there that are struggling too.


Thanks and a thought — No Comments

  1. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a truly amazing person for thinking of others during this time. We will definitely add all premmies to our prayers. Take care and keep being strong.


  2. Hi Sarah & Jason,

    It was good to hear that Sarah was finally released from the hospital. Perhaps now she\’ll be able to get a really good nights rest. I know it is very difficult having to leave the twins in the hospital but be reassured that the NICU nurses are the best and so caring.

    Jason and Sarah you both amaze me at how loving, understanding and caring you are; thinking of other parents in your situation. I will remember to keep all of them in my prayers as well.

    Jason, you\’ve been really great keeping up this BLOG so we all know how everyone is doing and don\’t have to worry as much not knowing what\’s going on so I\’d like to thank you for that. It\’s been very nice reading about your babies progress.

    My mom, not knowing about computers wanted to know how she could read your BLOG on her T.V. set…lol I told her she would need a computer…lmao Anyway, I told her I would print the BLOG so she could read all about you and your wee ones.

    Well, time to go for now but rest up and get ready for the big day when the twins can come home.

    Take care for now.

    Love, Peace & Happiness,


  3. …. much too overwhelmed to say much today. I have read the blog and every single highlighted topic – and understand! Those two little treasures have wonderfully strong parents and are indeed little miracles, already deeply loved by us all – may they grow up to be like you, happy and healthy and full of fun.

  4. They are so adorable! Love the tushie and cradle shots. Shae has their pictures by her bed and she talks to her little cousins every night. Love you all, can\’t wait to see you.
    Love Becca

  5. Sarah,
    You are absolutely amazing, and I am prouder than ever that you are my friend. I hope our children can be good friends as well. Welcome to the mommy club. I can\’t wait to meet your babies and be soccer moms together! Take care of yourself and get that nursery ready! Hugs and kisses to Jason, Landon, and Alissa XOXOXO.
    Love, Suzanne….and Sean and Maya too!